Comments on: Great Parchment Book website viewed more than 50,000 times Conserving, digitally reconstructing, transcribing and publishing the manuscript known as the Great Parchment Book. Tue, 06 May 2014 08:23:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Philippa Smith Tue, 06 May 2014 08:23:48 +0000 In reply to Marina Volchkova.

The parchment was too degraded and the 165 separate parchment membranes too shrivelled to be returned to a readable state. It was evident that traditional conservation alone would not produce sufficient results to make the manuscript accessible. Following discussions with conservation and imaging experts, it was decided to flatten the parchment sheets as far as possible appropriate to their fragile state, and to use multi-modal digital imaging to to gain legibility and enable digital access. The ultimate aim was to fully flatten the sheets digitally, however we knew from the first that this was an undertaking without a certain result as we were committed to exploring new techniques and technologies; nothing else had any chance of success. That is why we are so excited at the results we have obtained in collaboration with UCL. You can follow the process through the blog or by looking at Project History.

By: Marina Volchkova Sat, 03 May 2014 09:24:07 +0000 I’m sorry, I did not quite understand, the book has already passed the physical restoration or not? I was thirty years of doing restoration parchments. I worked with parchment documents of the same complexity as your book.
It was in Russia, in the State intitute restoration created a scientific school of restoration of parchment.
Please inform me if it’s not a secret how your conservators repair deformations on parchment. Russian restorers use some simple, effective and very gentle ways.
Voltchkova Marina, Senior Fellow and Highly Qualified Restorer.
