Visit to see multispectral imaging set up at UCL

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Interesting visit this morning (Tuesday 28 April 2015) to see the Multispectral Imaging System in the UCL Centre for Digital Humanities Multimodal Digitisation Suite. Meghan Hill, a hyperspectral imaging technician, gave an insightful demonstration using examples from the Library of Congress in the USA, as well as showing the live set up. The system gives UCL world-leading capabilities in the advanced imaging of cultural and heritage material and London Metropolitan Archives is pleased to be associated with UCLDH in this important research.

UCLDH multispectral digitisation

The visit has already given us some ideas about archives held by LMA to which the non-invasive techniques shown us can be applied to help us better understand the documents physically and make the information they contain more accessible, and indeed even reveal hidden treasures. Watch this space!

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