City of Londonderry

Folio A20r (change)

[...] doe conclude and agree that the said James Vaughan and his assignes shall have and hold one messuage or tenement and one garden and backside in the said late city belonging and adioining in Bishops gate streete als[o] Queenes streete in the said late Citty and one p[ar]cell of land with th[e] appurten[a]nc[e]s within the lib[er]tyes of the said late Citty conteining by estimac[i]on twelve acres Irishe measure all w[hi]ch p[re]misses now are or late were in the tenure or occupac[i]on of the said James or his assignes and allsoe one parcell of land with th[e] appurten[a]nc[e]s in the Island of Derry conteining by estimac[i]on three acres and seaven and twenty p[er]ches Irishe measure and now or late in the tenure or occupac[i]on of the said James and John Skamon or their assignes with all waies and passages unto the p[re]misses or anie p[ar]t thereof belonging or formerly enioyed therewith with the like excepc[i]ons and for the terme of one and twenty yeares from the ffeast of Th[e] an[n]unciac[i]on of the blessed virgin Mary now last past [and] under the yearly rent of Eight pounds thirteene shillings and fower pence sterling paiable in such manner and att such dayes and times and with under and uppon such further and [th]e like condic[i]on coven[a]nts and agreem[en]ts as in the aforesaid agreement made by the said Com[missioner]s and John Kneeland beforenamed are conteyned In witnes whereof the said Commission[er]s and the said James Vaughan have putt to their hands the day and yeare abovewritten:

Raphe Whitfeld Tho[mas] ffotherley 1639 Ja[mes] vaughan

viii li. xiii s. iiii d. Two Trees One Muskett

Sir John Vaughan Henry Vaughan 145.

The said thirtieth day of August the aforesaid Comm issioners for and on his ma[ies]t[ie]s behalfe by vertue of the said Commission and S[i]r John Vaughan knight one of his Majesty’s honourable privy Counsell of Ireland and Henry Vaughan Esquire doe conclude and agree that the said S[i]r John Vaughan and Henry and their assignes shall have and hold all those severall peeces or p[ar]cells of land with th[e] appurten[a]nc[e]s in the Island of Derry conteining by estimac[i]on fower acres and sixteene p[er]ches Irishe measure and now or late in the severall tenures or occupac[i]ons of Thomas Hammond James Miller Henry ffinche William Harding Joane Evans widdow Thomas Craiford Mathew Turbutt and Robert Lyle or their or some of their assignes and bounding to the kings higheway leading from the late Citty of Londonderry to Lifford and unto the river of Loughfoile with all waies and passages unto the p[re]misses or any p[ar]t thereof belonging or formerly enioyed therewith with the like excepc[i]ons and for the terme of one and twenty yeares from the ffeast of Th[e] an[n]unciac[i]on of the blessed virgin Mary now last past for and under the yearly rent of ffourty shillings sterling paiable in such manner [and] att such daies and tymes and with under and uppon such further and the like Condic[i]on coven[a]nts and agreements as in the aforesaid agreement made by the said Commissioners and Edward Rowley esq[uire] beforenamed are conteined save onely that the said S[i]r John and Henry are not by this agreement tyed to rep[ar]ac[i]ons or residency because there is noe house nor habitac[i]on on the p[re]misses In witnes whereof the said Commissioners and the said S[i]r John Vaughan and Henry Vaughan have putt to their hands the day and yeare abovewritten:

Raphe Whitfeld Tho[mas] ffotherley 1639 Sir John Vaughan Henry Vaughan

xl s.

The said Thirtieth day of August the said Commission[er]s for and on his ma[ies]t[ie]s behalf by virtue of the said Commission and Robert Goodwyn of the late Citty of Londonderry esquire do conclude and agree that the said Robert Goodwyn and his assigns shall have and hold

[…], do conclude and agree that the said James Vaughan and his assigns shall have and hold one messuage or tenement and one garden and backside in the said late city, belonging and adjoining in Bishopsgate Street, also Queens Street, in the said late city and one parcel of land with the appurtenances within the Liberties of the said late city, containing by estimation twelve acres Irish measure, all which premises now are or late were in the tenure or occupation of the said James or his assigns, and also one parcel of land with the appurtenances in the Island of Derry, containing by estimation three acres and seven and twenty perches Irish measure and now or late in the tenure or occupation of the said James and John Skamon or their assigns, with all ways and passages unto the premises or any part thereof belonging or formerly enjoyed therewith, with the like exceptions and for the term of one and twenty years from the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary now last past, and under the yearly rent of eight pounds thirteen shillings and four pence sterling payable in such manner and at such days and times and with, under, and upon such further and the like condition, covenants, and agreements as in the aforesaid agreement made by the said commissioners and John Kneeland beforenamed are contained. In witness whereof the said commissioners and the said James Vaughan have put to their hands the day and year abovewritten:

Ralph Whitfeld Thomas Fotherley 1639 James Vaughan

viii pounds xiii shillings. iiii pence. two trees one musket


Sir John Vaughan Henry Vaughan 145.

The said thirtieth day of August, the aforesaid commissioners for and on his Majesty’s behalf by virtue of the said commission, and Sir John Vaughan, knight, one of His Majesty’s honourable Privy Council of Ireland, and Henry Vaughan, esquire, do conclude and agree that the said Sir John Vaughan and Henry and their assigns shall have and hold all those several pieces or parcels of land with the appurtenances in the Island of Derry, containing by estimation four acres and sixteen perches Irish measure, and now or late in the several tenures or occupations of Thomas Hammond, James Miller, Henry Finch, William Harding, Joan Evans, widow, Thomas Crayford, Matthew Turbutt, and Robert Lyle, or their or some of their assigns, and bounding to the King’s highway leading from the late city of Londonderry to Lifford and unto the River of Foyle, with all ways and passages unto the premises or any part thereof belonging or formerly enjoyed therewith, with the like exceptions and for the term of one and twenty years from the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary now last past, for and under the yearly rent of forty shillings sterling payable in such manner and at such days and times and with, under, and upon such further and the like condition, covenants, and agreements as in the aforesaid agreement made by the said commissioners and Edward Rowley, esquire, beforenamed are contained, save only that the said Sir John and Henry are not by this agreement tied to reparations or residency because there is no house nor habitation on the premises. In witness whereof the said commissioners and the said Sir John Vaughan and Henry Vaughan have put to their hands the day and year abovewritten:

Ralph Whitfeld Thomas Fotherley 1639 Sir John Vaughan Henry Vaughan

xl shillings.


The said thirtieth day of August, the said commissioners for and on His Majesty’s behalf by virtue of the said commission, and Robert Goodwin of the late city of Londonderry, esquire, do conclude and agree th}at the said Robert Goodwin and his assigns shall have and hold