City of Londonderry
Folio A24r (change)
The said one and thirtieth day of August the aforesaid commissioners for and on his ma[ies]ties behalfe by virtue of the said Commission and Symon Pitts William Patteshall and Henry ffinche three of the Aldermen of the late Citty of Londonderry als[o] Derry doe conclude and agree that the said Symon William and Henry and their assignes shall within fower yeares now next ensueing att their prop[er] costs and chardges make erect build and fully finishe one Key or wharfe uppon the side of the river of Loughfoile on the northeaste side of [th]e said late Citty of Londonderry als[o] Derry and betweene the two bullwarkes called Chichesters Bullwarke and London Bullwarke there w[hi]ch said Key or wharfe shall conteine in length from the highe water marke to the low water marke one hundred and twenty foote and in breadthe from the now key towards the shippgate of the said late Citty two hundred foote and the said Key or wharfe shal[l] be walled on the sides next the water with a good stronge and sufficient stone wall fower foote thicke att the least and the other p[ar]ts thereof shal[l] be walled with a good strong [and] sufficient wall of stone three foote thicke att the least and the said wharfe shal[l] be well [and] sufficiently paved on the topp with stone and the said Symon William and Henry and their assignes shall within the said fower yeares att their p[ro]p[er] costs and chardges allsoe make erect build and fully finishe one Crane and Cranehouse uppon some such p[ar]t of the aforesaid wharfe as shal[l] be most convenient and the said Symon William and Henry shall lay forth and expend in and about the makeing and building of the said Wharfe Key Crane and Cranehouse three hundred pounds sterling att the least and the said Symon William and Henry and their assigns shall have and hold all the ground and Soile lyeing without the w alls of the said late Citty of Londonderry als[o] Derry betweene the said two B ulwarks called Chichesters Bullwarke and London Bullwarke from the walls of the said late city Eastward to the low water marke of the said River of Loughfoile and allsoe the said Key or wharfe Crane and Cranehouse soe as aforesaid to be built uppon the aforesaid p[re]misses and all Keyage wharfage and Cranieage belonging to the Port of Londonderry als[o] Derry and all profitts commodities dutyes and paim[en]ts belonging to the said Key wharfe wharfage and Crane for the terme of one and thirty yeares from the ffeast of Th[e] an[n]unciac[i]on of the blessed virgin Mary last past for and under the rent of one and twenty pounds and tenn shillings sterling for the first yeare of the said one and thirty yeares and for and under the yearly rent of Thirty and ffive pounds sterling for the second and third yeares of the said one and thirty yeares and for and under the yearly rent of ffourty pounds sterling for and during the eight and twenty yeares residue of the said terme of one and thirty yeares paiable unto his ma[ies]tie his heires and successors into the receipt of his ma[ies]t[ie]s Excheq[uer] in England or unto the hands of the Receivor of his ma[ies]tie his heires and successors for the time being for the Reven[n]ue of Londonderry als[o] Derry and Colerane or either of them att the ffeasts of St Michaell Th[e] archangell and Th[e] an[n]unciac[i]on of the blessed virgin Mary by equall porc[i]ons uppon Condic[i]on that the said terme shall cease and be voyd if the said severall rents or anie part of them or anie of them shal[l] be behind and unpaid by the space of ffiftie dayes n ext after anie of the said ffeasts or daies of paim[en]t aforesaid and the said Symon Willia m and Henry and their assignes shall att their propper costs and chardges from and after the building and finishing of the said Key or wharfe Crane [and] Cranehouse during the said terme of one and thirty yeares well and sufficiently repaire uphould mainteine and keepe the same Key or wharfe Crane and Cranehouse w[...] and the same soe well and sufficiently repaired amended uphoulden mainteyned and kept at the end expirac[i]on or other determinac[i]on of the said terme shal[l] be [...] unto his ma[ies]tie his heires and successors and that there shal[l] be assigned and set out unto th[...] said Simon William
xxi li. x s. for the first yeare xxxv li. for the second [and] third yeares xl li. p[er] annu[m] for Eight and Twentie yeares
The said one and thirtieth day of August, the aforesaid commissioners for and on his Majesty’s behalf by virtue of the said commission, and Simon Pitts, William Patteshall, and Henry Finch, three of the Aldermen of the late city of Londonderry, also Derry, do conclude and agree that the said Simon, William, and Henry and their assigns shall, within four years now next ensuing, at their proper costs and charges make, erect, build, and fully finish one quay or wharf upon the side of the River of Foyle on the northeast side of the said late city of Londonderry, also Derry, and between the two bulwarks called Chichesters Bulwark and London Bulwark there, which said quay or wharf shall contain in length from the high water mark to the low water mark one hundred and twenty foot, and in breadth from the now quay towards the Ship Gate of the said late city two hundred foot, and the said quay or wharf shall be walled on the sides next the water with a good, strong, and sufficient stone wall four foot thick at the least, and the other parts thereof shall be walled with a good, strong, and sufficient wall of stone three foot thick at the least, and the said wharf shall be well and sufficiently paved on the top with stone, and the said Simon, William, and Henry and their assigns shall, within the said four years, at their proper costs and charges also make, erect, build, and fully finish one crane and cranehouse upon some such part of the aforesaid wharf as shall be most convenient, and the said Simon, William, and Henry shall lay forth and expend in and about the making and building of the said wharf, quay, crane, and cranehouse three hundred pounds sterling at the least, and the said Simon, William, and Henry and their assigns shall have and hold all the ground and soil lying without the walls of the said late city of Londonderry, also Derry, between the said two bulwarks called Chichesters Bulwark and London Bulwark from the walls of the said late city eastward to the low water mark of the said River of Foyle, and also the said quay or wharf, crane and cranehouse so as aforesaid to be built upon the aforesaid premises, and all quayage, wharfage, and cranage belonging to the Port of Londonderry, also Derry, and all profits, commodities, duties, and payments belonging to the said quay, wharf, wharfage, and crane, for the term of one and thirty years from the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary last past, for and under the rent of one and twenty pounds and ten shillings sterling for the first year of the said one and thirty years, and for and under the yearly rent of thirty and five pounds sterling for the second and third years of the said one and thirty years, and for and under the yearly rent of forty pounds sterling for and during the eight and twenty years residue of the said term of one and thirty years, payable unto His Majesty, his heirs and successors, into the receipt of His Majesty’s Exchequer in England, or unto the hands of the Receiver of His Majesty, his heirs and successors, for the time being for the revenue of Londonderry, also Derry, and Coleraine or either of them, at the feasts of St Michael the Archangel and the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary by equal portions, upon condition that the said term shall cease and be void if the said several rents or any part of them or any of them shall be behind and unpaid by the space of fifty days next after any of the said feasts or days of payment aforesaid, and the said Simon, William, and Henry and their assigns shall, at their proper costs and charges from and after the building and finishing of the said quay or wharf, crane, and cranehouse, during the said term of one and thirty years, well and sufficiently repair, uphold, maintain, and keep the same quay or wharf, crane, and cranehouse w[…], and the same so well and sufficiently repaired, amended, upholden, maintained, and kept, at the end, expiration, or other determination of the said term shall be […] unto His Majesty, his heirs and successors, and that there shall be assigned and set out unto th[…] said Simon, William,
xxi pounds x shillings for the first year xxxv pounds for the second and third years xl pounds per annum for eight and twenty years