Drapers’ Proportion
Folio E7r (change)
or belonging to the foresaid premisses shall keepe and mainteyne well and sufficiently fenced inclosed and quicksetted duringe the said Terme and shall during the said terme sett and plant up[p]on some part of the aforesaid premises thirty young trees of oak ashe or Elme fitt or likely to grow to be timber trees and the same or others to be sett and planted in the rooms and steads of such of them as shall happen to dye shall maintain p[re]serve and keepe from hurt and spoyle duringe the said term and att his and their Costs [and] chardges shall f or the service of his Ma[ies]ty his heyres and Successors have and keep in readiness up[p]on the aforesaid premisses duringe the said Terme tenn Musketts furnished and five corsletts and pikes furnished in such manner as the same shall and may be allowed of by the Mustermaster of the County in wh ich the premisses are for the tyme beinge And that up[p]on reasonab le request there shall be allowed and sett out unto the said S[i]r John or his assigns from tyme to tyme duringe the said Terme by the Woodward or other Officer of his Ma[ies]ty his heyres [and] Successors rough tymber for building the aforesaid two houses so as aforesaid to be built and other house boote in convenient places up[p]on the aforesaid premises to be spent up[p]on the premisses and not elsewhere And that the said S[i]r John and his assignes shall and may from tyme to tyme d uring the said terme have and take Cartboote ploughboote fireb oot and hedgeboote to be taken in and up[p]on the roots stumps and tr unks of trees lyinge up[p]on the ground and not fitt for buildinge, th orn bushes shreddings [and] lopps of trees and underwoods growing upon the p[re]misses if the same be there to be had and the same to be spent up[p]on the premisses and not elsewhere And that the said Sir John and his assignes shall within five yeares now ne xt coming fence, inclose and Incoppice with dike and double qui cksett [...] acres of Irishe measure of the woods and woodgrounds parcel of the aforesaid premisses and the same with good and sufficient ffences and Inclosures shall well and s ufficiently preserve and keep as Coppice woods from hurt and spoyle d uring the said term and up[p]on every fell that shall be made the reof shall new encoppice the same after the manner and usage in England and shall also preserve and keepe up[p]on every acre of the aforesaid woodground upon every felling and cutting of the said Woods so to be encoppiced thirty young storiers and thirty standalls of oak or ash fit to make tymber trees And that his Ma[ies]ty will be graciously pleased to ratify and confirme this agreement by his letters patent under the great Seale of England and that the said S[i]r John shall covenant and grannt for him his heyres Executors, Admini strators and assigns to p[er]forme what is hereby agreed on his part And the said Sir John doth humbly desire his Ma[ies]ty to be gratiously p leased to make and create the said late Mannor of Drapers and all the lands in the aforesaid proporc[i]on into a Mannor with a Court baron the same Mannor to be called by such name as to his Ma[ies]ty shall seeme fittinge and the said S[i]r John to have and keepe the said Court Baron by his sufficient Steward or Stewards according to the lawes and customes of England and have all the ffynes, yssues amerciaments and profits of the said Court duringe the said Terme and make keep and deliver the like booke of the said Court as of the said court leet excepting and allwaies reserv ing unto his Ma[ies]ty all the rents
Thirtie Trees Tenn Musketts ffive Corsletts [and] Pikes
or belonging to the foresaid premises shall keep and maintain well and sufficiently fenced, enclosed, and quicksetted during the said term, and shall, during the said term, set and plant upon some part of the aforesaid premises thirty young trees of oak, ash, or elm fit or likely to grow to be timber trees, and the same or others to be set and planted in the rooms and steads of such of them as shall happen to die, shall maintain, preserve, and keep from hurt and spoil during the said term, and, at his and their costs and charges, shall, for the service of his Majesty, his heirs and successors, have and keep in readiness upon the aforesaid premises during the said term ten muskets furnished and five corslets and pikes furnished in such manner as the same shall and may be allowed of by the Muster Master of the county in which the premises are for the time being. And that upon reasonable request there shall be allowed and set out unto the said Sir John or his assigns, from time to time during the said term by the Woodward or other Officer of his Majesty, his heirs and successors, rough timber for building the aforesaid two houses, so as aforesaid to be built, and other houseboot in convenient places upon the aforesaid premises to be spent upon the premises and not elsewhere. And that the said Sir John and his assigns shall and may, from time to time during the said term, have and take cartboot, ploughboot, fireboot, and hedgeboot, to be taken in and upon the roots, stumps and trunks of trees lying upon the ground and not fit for building, thornbushes, shreddings and lops of trees, and underwood growing upon the premises if the same be there to be had, and the same to be spent upon the premises and not elsewhere. And that the said Sir John and his assigns shall, within five years now next coming, fence, enclose, and encoppice with dikes and double quicksett […] acres of Irish measure of the woods and woodgrounds parcel of the aforesaid premises, and the same with good and sufficient fences and enclosures shall well and sufficiently preserve and keep as coppicewoods from hurt and spoil during the said term, and upon every fell that shall be made thereof shall new encoppice the same after the manner and usage in England, and shall also preserve and keep upon every acre of the aforesaid woodground, upon every felling and cutting of the said woods so to be encoppiced, thirty young storiers and thirty standalls of oak or ash fit to make timber trees. And that his Majesty will be graciously pleased to ratify and confirm this agreement by his letters patent under the Great Seal of England, and that the said Sir John shall covenant and grant for him, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns to perform what is hereby agreed on his part. And the said Sir John doth humbly desire his Majesty to be graciously pleased to make and create the said late Manor of Drapers and all the lands in the aforesaid Proportion into a manor with a court baron, the same manor to be called by such name as to his Majesty shall seem fiting, and the said Sir John to have and keep the said court baron by his sufficient Steward or Stewards according to the laws and customs of England, and have all the fines, issues, amerciaments, and profits of the said court during the said term, and make, keep, and deliver the like book of the said court as of the said court leet, excepting and always reserving unto his Majesty all the rents
thirty trees ten muskets five corslets and pikes