Fishmongers’ Proportion

Folio F5r (change)

such days and times and with and upon such and the like condic[i]on coven[a]nts and agreements as in the foresaid Agreement made by the said Com[m]issiono[r]s and John Monntgomery before named are conteined save onelie that the said William is not by this Agreem[en]t tyed or bound to build a house as the said John by his agreement is to doe And w[i]th this further agreem[en]t and condic[i]on that if the said Will[ia]m or his assignes shal[l] be evicted or putt out of possession of one percell of land called Knockapott percell of the foresaid premisses that then dureinge such time as hee or they shal[l] be held out of possession thereof and shall not enioy the same hee and they shal[l] be abated fower pounds [...] of the foresaid yearely rent In witnes whereof the said Com[m]iss ioners and the said William Downes have put[t] to their hands the day and yeare above written:

Raphe Whitfeld Tho[mas] ffotherley 1639 William Downs

Sixe closes Sixe Trees One Pike [and] Corslett

The said ffowerth Day of September The foresaid Com[m]ission[er]s for and on his Majesty’s behalf by vertue of the said Com[m]ission and John Carter of Ballykelly in the late County of London Derry Taylor doe conclude and agree That the said John and his assignes shall have and hold one Messuage or tenem[en]t wherein the said John nowe Dwelleth and one kill garden and backside thereunto belonginge And alsoe all those severall peec[e]s or percells of land meadowe and pasture w[i]th th[e] appurten[a]nc[e]s conteineinge by estimac[i]on twenty and nine acres and one rood Irishe measure all w[hi]ch premisses nowe are or late were in the t enure or occupac[i]on of the said John or his assignes and are scituate and beinge in Tawlaght ffinlegan in the said late Countie ffor the terme of one and twenty yeares ffrom the ffeast of Phillip and Jacob nowe last past for and under the yearelie rent of Eleaven pounds sterlinge payable unto his Ma[ies]ty his heires and successors or into the Receipt of the Exchecquor in England, or unto the hands of the Receivor of his Ma[ies]ty his heires [and] successors for the time beinge ffor the revenue of London derry als[o] Derry and Coler aine or either of them at the feasts of All Saints and Phillip and Jacob ye arly by equall porc[i]ons Upon condic[i]on that the said terme shall cease and be void if the said rent or anie parte thereof shal[l] be behinde and unpaide by the s pace of ffiftie dayes next after anie of the said ffeasts or dayes of payment aforesaid And the said John or some other able and sufficient ten[a]nt w[i]th his family shall from time to time dureinge the said terme of one and twentie yeares be resident and inhabitant in and upon the foresaid premisses and grinde at his Ma[ies]t[ie]s Mill in the late Mannor of Wallworth or proporc[i]on of land called the ffishmongers proporc[i]on All his and their mault co rn and graine w[hi]ch hee or they shall expend or use upon the foresaid pre mises or beinge grounde shall sell to anie person or persons and pay for grindinge thereof to the Miller of the said mill for the time beinge the sixteenthe part of all the said mault corne and graine and shall doe s uit at the Co urt baron to be holden for such Mannor as his Ma[ies]ty shall erect make or create upon or w[i]thin the said proporc[i]on of land called the ffishmongers’ Proportion from three weekes to three weeks if the same shal[l] be soe often held and shall yearly dureinge the said terme sett and plant upon some parte of the aforesaid premisses three younge trees of oake or ashe fitt and likely to gro w to be timber trees and the same or others to be sett and planted in the roomes and steads of such of them

xi li. Three trees

such days and times and with and upon such and the like condition, covenants, and agreements as in the foresaid agreement made by the said commissionors and John Montgomery beforenamed are contained, save only that the said William is not by this agreement tied or bound to build a house as the said John by his agreement is to do. And with this further agreement and condition that if the said William or his assigns shall be evicted or put out of possession of one parcel of land called Knockapott, parcel of the foresaid premises, that then during such time as he or they shall be held out of possession thereof and shall not enjoy the same, he and they shall be abated four pounds […] of the foresaid yearly rent. In witness whereof the said commissioners and the said William Downs have put to their hands the day and year abovewritten:

Ralph Whitfeld Thomas Fotherley 1639 William Downs

six closes six trees one pike and corslet


The said fourth day of September, the foresaid commissioners for and on his Majesty’s behalf by virtue of the said commission, and John Carter of Ballykelly in the late county of Londonderry, tailor, do conclude and agree that the said John and his assigns shall have and hold one messuage or tenement wherein the said John now dwelleth, and one kill, garden, and backside thereunto belonging, and also all those several pieces or parcels of land, meadow, and pasture, with the appurtenances, containing by estimation twenty and nine acres and one rood Irish measure, all which premises now are or late were in the tenure or occupation of the said John or his assigns and are situate and being in Tamlaght Finlagan in the said late county, for the term of one and twenty years from the feast of Phillip and Jacob now last past, for and under the yearly rent of eleven pounds sterling payable unto his Majesty, his heirs and successors, or into the receipt of the Exchequer in England, or unto the hands of the Receiver of his Majesty, his heirs and successors, for the time being for the revenue of Londonderry, also Derry, and Coleraine or either of them at the feasts of All Saints and Phillip and Jacob yearly by equal portions. Upon condition that the said term shall cease and be void if the said rent or any part thereof shall be behind and unpaid by the space of fifty days next after any of the said feasts or days of payment aforesaid. And the said John or some other able and sufficient tenant with his family shall, from time to time during the said term of one and twenty years, be resident and inhabitant in and upon the foresaid premises, and grind at his Majesty’s mill in the late Manor of Walworth or Proportion of land called the Fishmongers’ Proportion, all his and their malt, corn, and grain which he or they shall expend or use upon the foresaid premises or being ground shall sell to any person or persons, and pay for grinding thereof to the miller of the said mill, for the time being the sixteenth part of all the said malt, corn, and grain and shall do suit at the court baron to be holden for such manor as his Majesty shall erect, make, or create upon or within the said Proportion of land called the Fishmongers’ Proportion from three weeks to three weeks if the same shall be so often held, and shall yearly during the said term set and plant upon some part of the aforesaid premises three young trees of oak or ash fit and likely to grow to be timber trees and the same or others to be set and planted in the rooms and steads of such of them

xi pounds three trees