Fishmongers’ Proportion

Folio F6v (change)

18. Richard Kirby

The said sixt day of September The said Com missioners for and on his Majesty’s behalf by vertue of the said Com[m]ission And Richard Kirby of Bally-kelly in the late county of London Derry gent[leman] doe conclude and agree that the said Richard Kirby and his assignes shall have and hold All that Messuage or tenem[en]t wherein the said Richard nowe dwelleth and all the buildinges garden and backside thereunto belonginge and three closes or percells of land w[i]th th[e] appurten[a]nc[e]s thereunto belonginge conteineinge by estimac[i]on nine acres and one rood Irish measure and alsoe all that towneland com[m]only called or knowen by the name of Neade w[i]th th[e] appurten[a]nc[e]s conteineinge by estimac[i]on Two hundred acres Irishe measure, And alsoe one halfe T ownland com[m]only called or knowen by the name of Oughill conteineinge by estimac[i]on [...] three acres, or by whatsoever other name or names the same or either of them be called or knowen And alsoe one other percell of land called Taweney o Mullan with the appurtenances containinge by estimac[i]on six and thirtie acres Irishe measure all which premises are lyinge and beinge in Tawghlat ffinlegan in the late County of Londonderry and nowe are or late were in the tenure or occupac[i]on of the said Richard Kirby or his assignes And alsoe all wayes and passages to the foresaid premisses or any part thereof belonginge or formerly enioyed therew[i]th Exceptinge the mosse [and] bogg of Neade for his Ma[ies]t[ie]s other ten[a]nts w[i]th and under such and the like exceptions and for the terme of one and twenty yeares from the feast of Phillip and Jacob last past for and under the yearelie rent of thirtie pounds sterlinge payable in such manner and at such Dayes and tymes and w[i]th under and upon such and the like condic[i]on coven[a]nts and agrements as in the foresaid agreem[en]t made by the said Com[m]issioners, and Alexander Adames Thomas Watts and Gilbert mc Nely before named are conteined In witnes whereof the said Com[m]issioners and the said Richard Kirby have put[t] to their hands the day and yeare above written:

Raphe Whitfeld Tho[mas] ffotherley 1639 Richard Kirby

xxx li. ffower closes ffower trees One M usket One H ouse


The said sixt day of September the said Com[m]issioners for and on his Ma[ies]t[ie]s behalfe by vertue of the said Com[m]ission And Arthur Brittayne of Tawghlatt ffinlegan in the late county of London Derry Innkeeper doe conclude and agree that the said Arthur and his assigns shall have and hold All that Messuage or tenem[en]t w[i]th th[e] appurten[a]nc[e]s and all barns stables edifices buildinges garden and backside thereunto belonginge or formerly enjoyed, And alsoe all those severall peec[e]s or percells of land pasture [and] wood w[i]th the appurten[a]nc[e]s conteyneinge in the whole by estimac[i]on threescore and [...] acres Irishe measure, All w[hi]ch premisses are lyeinge and beinge in Tawghlatt Finlagen aforesaid, and nowe are or late were in the tenure or occupac[i]on of the said Arthur or his assignes, And alsoe all wayes and passages to the foresaid premisses or anie part thereof belonginge or formerlie enioyed therew[i]th with and under such and the like Excep[ci]ons and for the terme of one and twenty yeares ffrom the ffeast of Phillip and Jacob last past ffor and under the yearelie rent of Six and twentie pounds sterlinge payable in such ma nner and at such dayes and times and w[i]th under and upon such and the like condic[i]on coven[a]nts and agreements as in the foresaid agreement made by the said Com[m]issioners and John Carter before named are contei ned with this further agreement That the said Arthur and his assignes shall w[i]thin two yeares nowe next comeinge fence inclose and incoppice w[i]th dikes and double quicksetts tenn acres Irishe measure of the woods and woodgrounds p[ar]cell of the foresaid premisses And the same fenc[e]s and inclosures shall well and sufficiently preserve and keepe dureinge the said terme, And alsoe the said tenn acres shall dureinge the said terme preserve and keepe as coppice woods from hurte and spoile, And upon everie fall that shall be made thereof shall newe encoppice the same after the manner and usuage in England and shall alsoe preserve and keepe upon everie acre of the foresaid woodground upon everie fellinge [and] cuttinge of the said woods soe to be encoppiced thirty younge storriers and thirtie standalls

xxvi li. Three Trees To Encoppice Tenn acres.

18. Richard Kirby

The said sixth day of September, the said commissioners for and on his Majesty’s behalf by virtue of the said commission, and Richard Kirby of Ballykelly in the late county of Londonderry, gentleman, do conclude and agree that the said Richard Kirby and his assigns shall have and hold all that messuage or tenement wherein the said Richard now dwelleth, and all the buildings, garden, and backside thereunto belonging, and three closes or parcels of land with the appurtenances thereunto belonging, containing by estimation nine acres and one rood Irish measure, and also all that townland commonly called or known by the name of Ned, with the appurtenances, containing by estimation two hundred acres Irish measure, and also one half townland commonly called or known by the name of Oghill, containing by estimation […] three acres, or by whatsoever other name or names the same or either of them be called or known, and also one other parcel of land called Tamny O’Mullan, with the appurtenances, containing by estimation six and thirty acres Irish measure, all which premises are lying and being in Tamlaght Finlagan in the late county of Londonderry and now are or late were in the tenure or occupation of the said Richard Kirby or his assigns, and also all ways and passages to the foresaid premises or any part thereof belonging or formerly enjoyed therewith, excepting the moss and bog of Ned for his Majesty’s other tenants, with and under such and the like exceptions, and for the term of one and twenty years from the feast of Phillip and Jacob last past, for and under the yearly rent of thirty pounds sterling payable in such manner and at such days and times and with, under, and upon such and the like condition, covenants, and agreements as in the foresaid agreement made by the said commissioners and Alexander Adams, Thomas Watts, and Gilbert McNely beforenamed are contained. In witness whereof the said commissioners and the said Richard Kirby have put to their hands the day and year abovewritten:

Ralph Whitfeld Thomas Fotherley 1639 Richard Kirby

xxx pounds four closes four trees one musket one house



The said sixth day of September, the said commissioners for and on his Majesty’s behalf by virtue of the said commission, and Arthur Britton of Tamlaght Finlagan in the late county of Londonderry, innkeeper, do conclude and agree that the said Arthur and his assigns shall have and hold all that messuage or tenement, with the appurtenances, and all barns, stables, edifices, buildings, garden, and backside thereunto belonging or formerly enjoyed, and also all those several pieces or parcels of land, pasture, and wood, with the appurtenances, containing in the whole by estimation three-score and […] acres Irish measure. All which premises are lying and being in Tamlaght Finlagen aforesaid, and now are or late were in the tenure or occupation of the said Arthur or his assigns, and also all ways and passages to the foresaid premises or any part thereof belonging or formerly enjoyed therewith, with and under such and the like exceptions and for the term of one and twenty years from the feast of Phillip and Jacob last past, for and under the yearly rent of six and twenty pounds sterling payable in such manner and at such days and times and with, under, and upon such and the like condition, covenants, and agreements as in the foresaid agreement made by the said commissioners and John Carter beforenamed are contained, with this further agreement that the said Arthur and his assigns shall, within two years now next coming, fence, enclose, and encoppice with dikes and double quicksett ten acres Irish measure of the woods and woodgrounds parcel of the foresaid premises. And the same fences and enclosures shall well and sufficiently preserve and keep during the said term, and also the said ten acres shall, during the said term, preserve and keep as coppice woods from hurt and spoil, and upon every fall that shall be made thereof shall new encoppice the same after the manner and usage in England, and shall also preserve and keep upon every acre of the foresaid woodground upon every felling and cutting of the said woods so to be encoppiced thirty young storiers and thirty standalls

xxvi pounds three trees to encoppice ten acres.