Goldsmiths’ Proportion
Folio G6v (change)
his heyres and successors rough tymber for ho useboot in convenient places within the late County of Londonderry to be spent upon the p[re]misses [and] not elsewhere. And that the same John ffreeman and his assignes shall and may from tyme to time during the said Terme have and take fireboote [and] hedgeboote to be taken in [and] upon the trees, stumpes and roots of trees, thornes bushes, shreddings and lopps of tr ees and underwoods growinge or beinge upon the p[re]misses if the same be there to be had the same to be spent upon the p[re]misses and not elsewhere. And that his Ma[ies]ty will be gratiously pleased to ratify and confirme this agreem[en]t by his Letters Pattints under the great seale of England. And that the said John ffreeman shall Covenant and grannt thereby for him his heyres executors administrators [and] assignes to p[er]forme what is hereby agreed on his part. And the said John ffreeman doth humbly desire his Ma[ies]tie to be gratiously pleased to make and create this said late Mannor of Gouldsmithes hall and all the lands in the aforesaid Proporc[i]on into a Mannor with a Court [...] to be called by such name as his Ma[ies]ty shall please. And the said John to have and keepe the said Court Baron by his sufficient Steward accordinge to the Lawes [and] Customes of England and have all the ffynes issues, amerciaments and proffitts of the said Court duringe the said Terme and make keepe and deliver the like booke of the said Court and proceedings therein as of the said Court Leete Except and allwayes reservinge to his Ma[ies]ty all the Rents and Releiffs of all and every the ffreeholders [and] others or to be holden of the said Mannor. In Witnes whereof the said Com[m]issioners and the said John ffreeman have putt to their hands the day and yeare abovewritten:
Raphe Whitfeld Tho[mas] ffotherley 1639 John ffreeman
One House Tenn closes. Twenty Trees. Sixe Musketts Sixe Corsletts [and] Pikes.
his heirs and successors, rough timber for houseboot in convenient places within the late county of Londonderry to be spent upon the premises and not elsewhere. And that the same John Freeman and his assigns shall and may from time to time during the said term have and take fireboot and hedgeboot to be taken in and upon the trees, stumps, and roots of trees, thornbushes, shreddings and lops of trees, and underwood growing or being upon the premises, if the same be there to be had, the same to be spent upon the premises and not elsewhere. And that his Majesty will be graciously pleased to ratify and confirm this agreement by his letters patent under the Great Seal of England. And that the said John Freeman shall covenant and grant thereby for him, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns to perform what is hereby agreed on his part. And the said John Freeman doth humbly desire his Majesty to be graciously pleased to make and create this said late Manor of Goldsmiths’ Hall, and all the lands in the aforesaid Proportion into a manor with a court baron to be called by such name as his Majesty shall please. And the said John to have and keep the said court baron by his sufficient Steward according to the laws and customs of England, and have all the fines, issues, amerciaments, and profits of the said court during the said term, and make, keep, and deliver the like book of the said court and proceedings therein as of the said court leet. Except and always reserving to his Majesty all the rents and reliefs of all and every the freeholders and others, or to be holden of the said manor. In witness whereof the said commissioners and the said John Freeman have put to their hands the day and year abovewritten:
Ralph Whitfeld Thomas Fotherley 1639 John Freeman
one house ten closes twenty trees six muskets six corslets and pikes