Natives’ Lands
Folio Q7r (change)
The said [...] day of August the aforesaid commissioners for and on his Ma[ies]t[ie]s behalf by virtue of the said commission and Manus Mc Qui Ballaghe McRichard O’Cahan of Bovevagh in the late County of Londonderry [...] Qui Ballagh Mac Richard O Cahan of Bovevaghe [...] deceased doe conclude and agree that the said Manus, his heirs and assignes shall have and hold for ever, All that Territorie [...] or Proporc[i]on of land called or knowne by the name of [...] with the appurtenanc[e]s or by whatsoever other name or names the same be called or knowne And all the Messuages, Cabyns houses, edifices and buildings thereup[p]on, All which premisses are lyinge and beinge within the barony of Kennaghe and within the proporc[i]on of land com[m]only called the Skynners Proporc[i]on or late Mannor of Pellipar in the late County of Londonderry and were formerly conveyed or intended to be conveyed by the late Society of Governor and Assistants of London of the new Plantac[i]on in Ulster within the Realme of Ireland unto the said Qui ballagh McRichard O’Cahan and allso all wayes and passages to the aforesaid p[re]misses or any part thereof belonginge or therewith enioyed, Except and always reserved unto his Ma[ies]tie his heires, and successors all mynes and also all timber and timber trees growinge or beinge or which hereafter shall grow or be in or upon the premises or any p[ar]te thereof with lib[er]ty to fell, cutt d own and carry away the same and liberty to hawk hunt, ffishe [and] fowle, up[p]o n the premises at reasonable and convenient tymes and allso exceptin g and reserving unto his Majesty his heires and successors, all the ffish ing and taking of salmon eels and other ffish in the Rivers [and] fishings of Banne, Loughfoy le Lough Neagh also Lough Sydney and in all the Rivers Creekes, and Streames, within the province of Ulster and every of them and all the ground [and] soyle of the said Rivers, Cr eeks and streams with free liberty ingresse, egresse, [and] regresse for the tenants occupiers and fishers of the said Rivers, Cr eeks and fishings and their servants and assigns to build and make howses sheds and other convenient places for lodging of fishermen and others to be employed in and about the said rivers Streames Cre eks and fishings or any of them and to stand and draw their nets and ca rry their fish on land and dry and amend their nets [and] hoope, pickell, and trim up their cask and do any other thing else concerninge t he said fishings or fishermen for their comforts or occasions up[p]on any part of the shores or lands adjoining or near to the said Rivers, Creekes and fishings or any of them without let or interrupt[i]on, The same p[re]misses except before excepted to be holden of his Majesty his heyres and Successor s as of such manor as his Majesty shall erect create or make of or wit in the said Proportion of land called the Skinners' Proportion by such rents and services as are hereafter mentioned that is to say yieldinge and payinge therefore to his Majesty his heirs and successors the yearly rent of Twenty one pounds six shillings and eight pence of lawfull money of England at the feasts of All Saints and Phillip and Jacob by equall porc[i]ons into the receipt of his Majesty’s Exchec quer in England or unto the hands of the Receiver of his Majesty his heires and Successors for the tyme beinge for the revenue of Londonderry als[o] Derry and Colerane or either of them, and yielding and doing ffealty to his Ma[ies]tie his heyres and Successors or to the lord or lords of the said Mannor soe to be created for the tyme being and doing suit at Court in and to the Court Baron to be holden f or the said manor from three weekes to three weekes, if the same shall be soe often held and doing suit at and to his Ma[ies]t[ie]s Mill or Mills within the said manor
xxi li. vi s. viii d.
The said […] day of August, the aforesaid commissioners for and on his Majesty’s behalf by virtue of the said commission, and Manus McCoey Ballagh McRichard O’Cahan of Bovevagh in the late county of Londonderry, […] Coey Ballagh McRichard O’Cahan of Bovevagh […], deceased, do conclude and agree that the said Manus, his heirs and assigns shall have and hold forever all that territory […] or Proportion of land called or known by the name of […], with the appurtenances, or by whatsoever other name or names the same be called or known. And all the messuages, cabins, houses, edifices, and buildings thereupon. All which premises are lying and being within the barony of Keenaght and within the Proportion of land commonly called the Skinners’ Proportion or late Manor of Pellipar in the late county of Londonderry, and were formerly conveyed, or intended to be conveyed, by the late Society of Governor and Assistants of London of the new plantation in Ulster within the realm of Ireland, unto the said Coey Ballagh McRichard O’Cahan, and also all ways and passages to the aforesaid premises or any part thereof belonging or therewith enjoyed. Except and always reserved unto his Majesty, his heirs and successors all mines and also all timber and timber trees growing or being, or which hereafter shall grow or be, in or upon the premises or any part thereof with liberty to fell, cut down, and carry away the same, and liberty to hawk, hunt, fish, and fowl upon the premises at reasonable and convenient times, and also excepting and reserving unto his Majesty, his heirs and successors all the fishing and taking of salmon, eels, and other fish in the Rivers and fishings of Bann, Lough Foyle, Lough Neagh, also Lough Sidney, and in all the rivers, creeks, and streams within the province of Ulster and every of them, and all the ground and soil of the said rivers, creeks, and streams, with free liberty, ingress, egress, and regress for the tenants, occupiers, and fishers of the said rivers, creeks, and fishings and their servants and assigns to build and make houses, sheds, and other convenient places for lodging of fishermen and others to be employed in and about the said rivers, creeks, streams, creeks, and fishings or any of them, and to stand and draw their nets, and carry their fish on land, and dry and amend their nets, and hoop, pickle, and trim up their cask, and do any other thing else concerning the said fishings or fishermen for their comforts or occasions upon any part of the shores or lands adjoining or near to the said rivers, creeks, and fishings, or any of them, without let or interrupc[i]on. The same premises, except before excepted, to be holden of his Majesty, his heirs and successors as of such manor as his Majesty shall erect, create, or make of or within the said Proportion of land called the Skinners’ Proportion by such rents and services as are hereafter mentioned, that is to say yielding and paying therefore to his Majesty, his heirs and successors the yearly rent of twenty-one pounds six shillings and eight pence of lawful money of England at the feasts of All Saints and Phillip and Jacob by equal portions, into the receipt of his Majesty’s Exchequer in England, or unto the hands of the Receiver of his Majesty, his heirs and successors for the time being for the revenue of Londonderry, also Derry, and Coleraine or either of them, and yielding and doing fealty to his Majesty, his heirs and successors, or to the lord or lords of the said manor so to be created for the time being, and doing suit at court in and to the court baron to be holden for the said manor from three weeks to three weeks if the same shall be so often held, and doing suit at and to his Majesty’s mill or mills within the said manor
xxi pounds vi shillings viii pence