Skinners’ Proportion
Folio H3r (change)
lying on the ground and not fit for building thornbushes shreddinges and lopps of trees and underwood growinge up[p]on the p[re]misses if the same be there to be had the same to be spent up[p]on the p[re]misses and not otherwise And that the said Richard [and] Richard and their assignes shall have and keepe in readines up[p]on the p[re]misses duringe the said Terme for the service of his Ma[ies]ty his heires and Successors one pike and corslett and one Muskett furnished in such manner as the same shall be allowed of by the Mustermaster of the said County where the p[re]misses lye for the tyme beinge, and that the said Richard and Richard and their assignes shall within five yeares nowe next coming remoove from the p[re]misses all such Irishe people as shall not within that tyme conforme themselves to the orders and discipline of the Church of England, and plant the p[re]misses with British people, And that the said Richard and Richard and their assigns shall within fower yeares now next com[m]inge fence enclose and Incoppice with dike and double quicksett [...] acres Irish measure of the Woods and Woodgrounds parcel of the foresaid p[re]misses and the same ffences and Inclos ures shall well and sufficiently p[re]serve and keepe as Coppice woods from hurt and spoyle, And up[p]on every fell that shall be made thereof during the said Terme shall new Incoppice the same after the manner and usage in England, and shall allso p[re]serve and keepe, up[p]on every acre of the aforesaid Woodground and up[p]on every fellinge [and] cuttinge of the said woods soe to be Incoppiced thirty younge storiers and thirty standalls of oake and ashe fitt to make Timber trees, And that his Ma[ies]ty will be gratiously pleased to ratify and confirme this Agreem[en]t by his letters Patents under the great seale of England, and that the said Richard and Richard shall coven[an]t [and] grannt thereby for them their heirs Executors Administrators and Assignes to p[er]forme what is here by agreed on their p[ar]tes, In Wittnes whereof the said Com[m]iss ioners and the said Richard Benson and Richard Jackson have putt to their hands the day and yeare abovewritten:
Raphe Whitfeld Tho[mas] ffotherley 1639 Richard Benson Richard Jackson
One Pike and Corslett One Muskett
Robert Semple .6.
The said Ninth day of September the said Com[m]issioners for and on his Ma[ies]t[ie]s behalfe by vertue of the said Com[m]ission and Robert Semple of Ballyneskreene in the late County of Londonderry Clerke, doe conclude and agree that the said Robert and his assignes shall have and hold all that Towneland com[m]only called or knowne by the name of Shramorelatmiskey als[o] Shram[...] with the appurten[an]c[e]s in Ballineskreene aforesaid or by what soever other name or names the same be called or knowne and all Cabbins edifices, [and] buildings thereup[p]on, and allso all waies [and] passages to the aforesaid p[re]misses or any part thereof belonging or formerly enioyed therewith with and under such and the like excepc[i]ons and for the term of one and twenty yeares ffrom the
lying on the ground and not fit for building, thornbushes, shreddings and lops of trees, and underwood growing upon the premises, if the same be there to be had the same to be spent upon the premises and not otherwise. And that the said Richard and Richard and their assigns shall have and keep in readiness upon the premises, during the said term, for the service of his Majesty, his heirs and successors one pike and corslet and one musket furnished in such manner as the same shall be allowed of by the Muster Master of the said county where the premises lie for the time being, and that the said Richard and Richard and their assigns, shall within five years now next coming, remove from the premises all such Irish people as shall not within that time conform themselves to the orders and discipline of the Church of England, and plant the premises with British people. And that the said Richard and Richard and their assigns shall, within four years now next coming, fence, enclose, and encoppice with dikes and double quicksett […] acres Irish measure of the woods and woodgrounds parcel of the foresaid premises, and the same fences and enclosures shall well and sufficiently preserve and keep as coppicewoods from hurt and spoil. And upon every fell that shall be made thereof during the said term shall new encoppice the same after the manner and usage in England, and shall also preserve and keep upon every acre of the aforesaid woodground and upon every felling and cutting of the said woods so to be encoppiced, thirty young storiers and thirty standalls of oak and ash fit to make timber trees. And that his Majesty will be graciously pleased to ratify and confirm this agreement by his letters patent under the Great Seal of England, and that the said Richard and Richard shall covenant and grant thereby for them, their heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns to perform what is hereby agreed on their parts. In witness whereof the said commissioners and the said Richard Benson and Richard Jackson have put to their hands the day and year abovewritten:
Ralph Whitfeld Thomas Fotherley 1639 Richard Benson Richard Jackson
one pike and corslet one musket
Robert Semple .6.
The said ninth day of September, the said commissioners for and on his Majesty’s behalf by virtue of the said commission, and Robert Semple of Ballynascreen in the late county of Londonderry, clerk, do conclude and agree that the said Robert and his assigns shall have and hold all that townland commonly called or known by the name of Shramorelatmiskey also Shram[…] [Strawmore] with the appurtenances in Ballynascreen
aforesaid, or by whatsoever other name or names the same be called or known, and all cabins, edifices, and buildings thereupon, and also all ways and passages to the aforesaid premises or any part thereof belonging or formerly enjoyed therewith, with and under such and the like exceptions and for the term of one and twenty years from the