Town of Coleraine
Folio B12v (change)
the said Thomas Cocks his executors or administrators or some other able and sufficient ten[a]nt w ith his family shall from time to time during the said term of one and twenty yeares be resident and inhabitant in and upon the aforesaid premises and grind att his ma[ies]ties Mill in Coleraine aforesaid all his and their malt corn and graine w[hi]ch he or they shall exp end or use upon the premises or being ground shall sell to anie person or persons and pay for grinding thereof to the Miller of the said mill for the tyme being the sixteenth part of all the said malte corne and graine and keepe and mainteine the aforesaid messuage or Tenement w[i]th the appurten[a]nc[e]s during the said terme in good and sufficient reparac[i]ons and within five yeares next ensueing well and sufficiently fence inclose and sett with double quicksett all the ffences and inclosures belonging unto the foresaid p[re]misses and the same soe well and sufficiently fenced inclosed and quicksetted shall keepe and mainteyne during the residue of the said terme and shall yearly during the said terme sett and plant uppon some p[ar]t of the foresaid p[re]misses two young trees of oake ashe or ellme fitt or likely to grow to be timber trees and the same or others to be sett and plannted in the roomes and stead of such of them as shall happen to dye shall mainteyne p[re]seve and keepe from hurt and spoile during the said terme and shall att his and their propp[er] costs and chardges during the said terme have and keepe in readines in the aforesaid messuage two musketts furnished for the service of his ma[ies]tie his heires and successors in such manner as the same shall and may be allowed by the muster master of the said County for the tyme being. And that the said Thomas Cockes and Robert Elliott and their assignes shall and will [...] mainteine [...] and keepe the said ferry with good and sufficient [...] furnished for ferryeing carrieing and passing over the said fferry and River of all such p[er]son and p[er]sons graine corne horses castell goods and Chattells as shall have occasion to be ferried or passed over the said River or ferry within the bounds aforesaid during the said terme takeing and receiving for the same such and the like usuall and accustomed fares ffees [...] somes of moneys vayles dutyes and paim[en]ts as usually heretofore have binn paid or given therefore and noe more. Provided allwaies that if his ma[ies]tie his heires or successors shall make a bridge over the said River of Bann for horse and man neere the place where the said fferry now is that then from thereforth this said lease shall cease and be voyd. And that his Ma[ies]tie wil[l] be pleased to confirme this agreem[en]t by his l[ett]res patents under the Great Seale of England And that the said Thomas Cockes and Robert Elliott shall coven[a]nt and grannt thereby for them and either of them their or either of their heires executors administrators and assignes to p[er]forme what is hereby agreed on their or either of their parts. In witnes whereof the said Commissioners and the said Thomas Cocks and Robert Elliott have putt to their hands the day and yeare abovewritten:
Raphe Whitfeld Tho[mas] ffotherley 1639 Robert Elliott Thomas Cocks
Two trees Two Muskets
William Parrott
The [...] Commissioners for and on his [...]
the said Thomas Cocks, his executors or administrators, or some other able and sufficient tenant with his family shall, from time to time during the said term of one and twenty years, be resident and inhabitant in and upon the aforesaid premises and grind at his Majesty’s mill in Coleraine aforesaid all his and their malt, corn, and grain which he or they shall expend or use upon the premises, or being ground shall sell to any person or persons and pay for grinding thereof to the miller of the said mill, for the time being the sixteenth part of all the said malt, corn, and grain, and keep and maintain the aforesaid messuage or tenement with the appurtenances during the said term in good and sufficient reparations, and within five years next ensuing well and sufficiently fence, enclose, and set with double quicksett all the fences and enclosures belonging unto the foresaid premises, and the same so well and sufficiently fenced, enclosed, and quicksetted shall keep and maintain during the residue of the said term, and shall yearly during the said term set and plant upon some part of the foresaid premises two young trees of oak, ash, or elm fit or likely to grow to be timber trees, and the same or others to be set and planted in the rooms and stead of such of them as shall happen to die, shall maintain preseve and keep from hurt and spoil during the said term, and shall at his and their proper costs and charges during the said term have and keep in readiness in the aforesaid messuage two muskets furnished for the service of his Majesty, his heirs and successors, in such manner as the same shall and may be allowed by the Muster Master of the said county for the time being. And that the said Thomas Cocks and Robert Elliott and their assigns shall and will […] maintain […] and keep the said ferry with good and sufficient […] furnished for ferrying, carrying, and passing over the said ferry and river of all such person and persons, grain, corn, horses, castle goods, and chattels as shall have occasion to be ferried or passed over the said river or ferry within the bounds aforesaid during the said term, taking and receiving for the same such and the like usual and accustomed fares, fees, […], sums of money, vales, duties, and payments as usually heretofore have been paid or given therefore and no more. Provided always that if his Majesty, his heirs or successors shall make a bridge over the said River of Bann for horse and man near the place where the said ferry now is, that then from thereforth this said lease shall cease and be void. And that his Majesty will be pleased to confirm this agreement by his letters patent under the Great Seal of England. And that the said Thomas Cocks and Robert Elliott shall covenant and grant thereby for them and either of them, their or either of their heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns to perform what is hereby agreed on their or either of their parts. In witness whereof the said commissioners and the said Thomas Cocks and Robert Elliott have put to their hands the day and year abovewritten:
Ralph Whitfeld Thomas Fotherley 1639 Robert Elliott Thomas Cocks
two trees two muskets
William Parrott
The […] commissioners for and on his