Town of Coleraine

Folio B20v (change)

[...] fee of twelve pounds [...] seaven faddomes l[...] five gadgeon [...]s spindle brasses [...]nds and two good and new [...] thick the said William Church and his assignes att his and their propp[er] costs and chardges [...] during the said terme have and keepe in readines in the said house one pike and corslett furnished in such manner as the same shall and may be allowed by the muster master of Colerane for the tyme being for the service of his ma[ies]tie his heires and successors and the said William Churche and his assignes shall from time to time during the said terme [...] assigned and sett out to him and them uppon reasonable request by the Woodward or other officer of his ma[ies]tie his heires and successors soe much good and sufficient roughe timber and other wood in convenient places within the late county of Londonderry to be cutt downe and brought away att the chardges of the said William Churche and his assignes as shal[l] be sufficient for the repairing and amending of the foresaid mills messuage or tenem[en]t and mill damm. And that his ma[ies]tie wil[l] be gratiously pleased to confirme this agreement by l[ett]res patents under the great Seale of England and that the said William Churche shall coven[a]nt and grannt thereby for him his heirs executors administrators and assignes to performe what is hereby agreed on his part In witnes whereof the said Commissioners and the said William Churche have putt to their the day and yeare abovewritten:

Raphe Whitfeld Tho[mas] ffotherley 1639 William Church

John mc Roberts 169.

The sixthe day of the said monethe of August the aforesaid Commissioners for and on his ma[ies]t[ie]s behalfe by vertue of the said Commission and John mc Roberts of Colerane aforesaid taylor doe conclude and agree that the said John mc Roberts and his assignes shall have and hold one close or p[ar]cell of land with th[e] appurten[a]nc[e]s conteining by estimac[i]on three acres Irishe measure in Colerane aforesaid and bounding to a great bogg and to lands now or late in the tenure or occupac[i]on of Isaack Barwick or his assignes with all waies and passages unto the p[re]misses or any p[ar]t thereof belonging or formerly enioyed therewith with the like Excepc[i]ons and for [th]e terme of one and twenty yeares from the ffeast of Phillip and Jacob now last past for and under the yearly rent of thirteene shillings and fower pence sterling paiable in such manner and att such daies and tymes and with under [and] uppon such further and the like condic[i]on coven[a]nts and agreem[en]ts as in th[e] aforesaid agreem[en]t made by the said Commissioners and Robert Scoles beforenames are conteined save onely that the said John is not tyed or bound by this agreem[en]t to anie reparac[i]ons of any cottage there nor to be resident uppon the p[re]misses because there is noe cottage there In witness whereof the said Commissioners and the said John mc Roberts have put to their hands the day and year abovewritten:

Ralph Whitfeld Thomas Fotherley 1639 John McRoberts

xiii s. iiii d.

[…] fee of twelve pounds […] seven faddoms l[…] five gadgeon […]s spindle brasses […]nds and two good and new […] thick, the said William Church and his assigns at his and their proper costs and charges […], during the said term have and keep in readiness in the said house one pike and corslet furnished in such manner as the same shall and may be allowed by the Muster Master of Coleraine, for the time being for the service of his Majesty, his heirs and successors, and the said William Church and his assigns shall from time to time during the said term […] assigned and set out to him and them, upon reasonable request by the Woodward or other Officer of his Majesty, his heirs and successors, so much good and sufficient rough timber and other wood in convenient places within the late county of Londonderry to be cut down and brought away at the charges of the said William Church and his assigns as shall be sufficient for the repairing and amending of the foresaid mills, messuage or tenement, and mill dam. And that his Majesty will be graciously pleased to confirm this agreement by letters patents under the Great Seal of England, and that the said William Church shall covenant and grant thereby for him, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns to perform what is hereby agreed on his part. In witness whereof the said commissioners and the said William Church have put to their the day and year abovewritten:

Ralph Whitfeld Thomas Fotherley 1639 William Church


John McRoberts 169.

The sixth day of the said month of August, the aforesaid commissioners for and on his Majesty’s behalf by virtue of the said commission, and John McRoberts of Coleraine aforesaid, tailor, do conclude and agree that the said John McRoberts and his assigns shall have and hold one close or parcel of land with the appurtenances, containing by estimation three acres Irish measure in Coleraine aforesaid and bounding to a great bog and to lands now or late in the tenure or occupation of Isaac Barwick or his assigns, with all ways and passages unto the premises or any part thereof belonging or formerly enjoyed therewith, with the like exceptions and for the term of one and twenty years from the feast of Phillip and Jacob now last past, for and under the yearly rent of thirteen shillings and four pence sterling payable in such manner and at such days and times and with, under, and upon such further and the like condition, covenants, and agreements as in the aforesaid agreement made by the said commissioners and Robert Scoles beforenames are contained, save only that the said John is not tied or bound by this agreement to any reparations of any cottage there nor to be resident upon the premises because there is no cottage there. In witness whereof the said commissioners and the said John McRoberts have put to their hands the day and year abovewritten:

Ralph Whitfeld Thomas Fotherley 1639 John McRoberts

xiii shillings iiii pence