Vintners’ Proportion

Folio M5r (change)

assigns shall noe longer hold or enioy the foresaid p[re]misses that then and from thenceforth the present contract and the grant and lease thereupon to be made shall cease determine and be void anie thing in these presents or in the said grant or lease to be contained to the contrary thereof in anie wise not withstanding In witness whereof the said Commissioners and the said Mary Luxton and Culloghe O Neal have putt to their hands the day and yeare abovewritten:

Raphe Whitfeld Tho[mas] ffotherley 1639 The marke of Mary Luxton The marke of Cullo O Neal

Thomas Kinge

The foresaid one and twentieth day of September the foresaid Commis sioners for and on his ma[ies]t[ie]s behalfe by vertue of the said Commission and Thomas King of Tawghlate O Creely in the late countie of Londonderry yeoman doe con clude and agree that the said Thomas King and his assignes shall have and hold all that T ownland commonly called or knowne by the name of Tedan with th[e] appurten ances in Tamlaght O Crilly aforesaid or by whatsoever other name or names the same be called or knowne containing by estimac[i]on three hundred [and] fowerscore acres Irishe measure with all waies and passages unto the p[re]misses or anie p[ar]t thereof belonging or formerly enioyed therewith with the like Excepc[i]ons and for the terme of one and twenty yeares from the ffeast of Phillip and Jacob now last past for and under the yearly rent of Eighteene pounds sterling paiable in such manner and att such daies and times and with under and upon such further and the like condic[i]on coven[a]nts and agreements as in the foresaid agreement made by the said Commissioners and Michaell Richmond and Brian Preston beforenamed are conteined In witnes whereof the said Commissioners and the said Thomas King have putt to their hands the day and yeare abovewritten:

Raphe Whitfeld Tho[mas] ffotherley 1639 Tho[mas] King

xviii li One House Three closes Three Trees One Muskett To incoppice ten acres

The six and twentieth day of the said monethe of September the foresaid Commissioners for and on his ma[ies]ties behalfe by vertue of the said Commission and S[i]r Thomas Staples of Lisson in the countie of Tyrone knight and Barronett doe conclude and agree that the said S[i]r Thomas Staples and his assignes shall have and hold all the ferry and passage over the River of the Bann called Clanone fferry from the Towneland called Clanone in the said late county of Londonderry unto the bancke and landing place on the other side of the said River of the Banne in the C ounty of Antrim with full power lib[er]tie and authority to transport fferry and passe over the river [and] backe againe all men horses cowes corne graine cattle goods and all all other things whatsoever portable over the said fferry and to receive and take to his and their owne prop[er] uses and behoof for such ferreing transporting and carrieing over and uppon the passage and fferry afore said all such fares rewards sum[m]es of money profitts and commodities as usually heretofore have binn received had and taken for such fferrieing transporting and carryeing for the terme of one and twenty yeares from the ffeast of Phillip and Jacob last past for and under the yearly rent of eight pounds sterling paiable unto his ma[ies]tie his heires and successors into the Receipt of his ma[ies]t[ie]s Excheq[uer] in England or unto the hands of the Receivor of his ma[ies]tie his heires and successors for the time being for the Reven[n]ue of Londonderry als[o] Derry and Colerane or either of them att the ffeasts of All Saints and Phillip and Jacob by equall porc[i]ons uppon C ondition that the said terme shall cease and be void if the said rent or anie part thereof shal[l] be behind [and] unpaid by the space of ffiftie daies next after anie of the said ffeasts or daies of payment aforesaid And that the said S[i]r Thomas doth for him his heires executors administrators and assigns agree and undertake to mainteine and keepe good and sufficient boats and men from time to time during the said terme att the said fferry for the service of the said fferry and p assage and also shall keep and maintain the keys and lan ding places of the said

viii li.

assigns shall no longer hold or enjoy the foresaid premises, that then and from thenceforth the present contract and the grant and lease thereupon to be made shall cease, determine, and be void any thing in these presents or in the said grant or lease to be contained to the contrary thereof in anywise not withstanding. In witness whereof the said commissioners and the said Mary Luxton and Cullo O’Neal have put to their hands the day and year abovewritten:

Ralph Whitfeld Thomas Fotherley 1639 The mark of Mary Luxton The mark of Cullo O’Neal


Thomas King

The foresaid one and twentieth day of September, the foresaid commissioners for and on his Majesty’s behalf by virtue of the said commission, and Thomas King of Tamlaght O’Crilly in the late county of Londonderry, yeoman, do conclude and agree that the said Thomas King and his assigns shall have and hold all that townland commonly called or known by the name of Eden, with the appurtenances in Tamlaght O’Crilly aforesaid, or by whatsoever other name or names the same be called or known, containing by estimation three hundred and four-score acres Irish measure with all ways and passages unto the premises or any part thereof belonging or formerly enjoyed therewith, with the like exceptions and for the term of one and twenty years from the feast of Phillip and Jacob now last past, for and under the yearly rent of eighteen pounds sterling payable in such manner and at such days and times and with, under, and upon such further and the like condition, covenants, and agreements as in the foresaid agreement made by the said commissioners and Michael Richmond and Brian Preston beforenamed are contained. In witness whereof the said commissioners and the said Thomas King have put to their hands the day and year abovewritten:

Ralph Whitfeld Thomas Fotherley 1639 Thomas King

xviii pounds one house three closes three trees one musket to encoppice ten acres


The six and twentieth day of the said month of September, the foresaid commissioners for and on his Majesty’s behalf by virtue of the said commission, and Sir Thomas Staples of Lissan in the county of Tyrone, knight and baronet, do conclude and agree that the said Sir Thomas Staples and his assigns shall have and hold all the ferry and passage over the River of the Bann called Clanon ferry, from the townland called Clanon in the said late county of Londonderry unto the bank and landing place on the other side of the said River of the Bann in the county of Antrim, with full power, liberty, and authority to transport, ferry, and pass over the river and back againe all men, horses, cows, corn, grain, chattel, goods, and all all other things whatsoever portable over the said ferry, and to receive and take to his and their own proper uses and behoof for such ferrying, transporting, and carrying over and upon the passage and ferry aforesaid all such fares, rewards, sums of money, profits, and commodities as usually heretofore have been received, had, and taken for such ferrying, transporting, and carrying, for the term of one and twenty years from the feast of Phillip and Jacob last past, for and under the yearly rent of eight pounds sterling payable unto his Majesty, his heirs and successors into the receipt of his Majesty’s Exchequer in England, or unto the hands of the Receiver of his Majesty, his heirs and successors for the time being for the revenue of Londonderry, also Derry, and Coleraine or either of them at the feasts of All Saints and Phillip and Jacob by equal portions, upon condition that the said term shall cease and be void if the said rent or any part thereof shall be behind and unpaid by the space of fifty days next after any of the said feasts or days of payment aforesaid. And that the said Sir Thomas doth for him. his heirs. executors. administrators. and assigns agree and undertake to maintain and keep good and sufficient boats and men from time to time during the said term, at the said ferry for the service of the said ferry and passage, and also shall keep and maintain the quays and landing places of the said

viii pounds