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You can search here for people, places or livery companies mentioned in the Great Parchment Book. Choose the initial letter of the name (surname when searching for people), within the People, Places or Companies tabs below to see a list of names. Click on a name to be taken to a list of folio(s) containing that name. Click on an individual folio to be taken to the image and transcription. For details of conventions used in the transcription of names please see the Transcription Methodology and Conventions section of this site.
- Adams, William (glover)
- Addison, Henry
- Adniston, Henry (baker)
- Akin, Allen (yeoman)
- Akin, James (yeoman)
- Allen, Bartu (vintner)
- Allen, Bartue (vintner)
- Allen, Thomas (sailor)
- Allison, John
- Archie, Isabel (widow)
- Archie, Issabell (widow)
- Atkinson, ffranncis
- Atkinson, Francis
- Atkinson, James (wheelwright)
- Axfeild, Robert (husbandman)
- Axfield, Robert (husbandman)
- Babington, Richard (gentleman)
- Bagnell, Dame Blanch (widow)
- Ballagh Mac Richard O Cahan, Qui (deceased)
- ballagh McRichard O’Cahan, Qui (deceased)
- Ballagh O’Cahan, S[i]r Donal
- Bamford, Elizabeth (widow)
- Bamford, Elizabethe (widow)
- Banckes, Phillip (gentleman)
- Bancks, Phillip (gentleman)
- Banks, Phillip (gentleman)
- Barnaby, ffrancis (gentleman)
- Barnaby, ffranncis (gentleman)
- Barnaby, Francis (gentleman)
- Barnall, Dame Blanch (widow)
- Barnall, Dame Blanche (widow)
- Barrabye, William (alderman)
- Barwick, Isaack
- Barwick, Richard (alderman)
- Barwick, Tristram
- Barwicke, Richard (alderman)
- Barwicke, Tristram
- Baseley, Richard (mason)
- Beard, William (husbandman)
- Bell, Ellen (widow)
- Bennett, Richard (glazier)
- Benson, Richard (gentleman)
- Beresford, Michael (esquire)
- Beresford, Michaell (esquire)
- Beresford, Tristram (esquire the elder)
- Beresford, Tristram (esquire the younger)
- Beresford, Tristram (esquire)
- Berisford, Henry (gentleman)
- Berisford, John (gentleman)
- Berisford, Michaell (esquire)
- Berisford, Tristram (esquire the elder)
- Berisford, Tristram (esquire the younger)
- Berisford, Tristram (esquire)
- Berrisford, Henry (gentleman)
- Berrisford, John (gentleman)
- Berrisford, Michaell (esquire)
- Berrisford, Tristram (esquire the younger)
- Berwicke, Richard (alderman)
- Berwicke, Tristram
- Betts, William (gentleman)
- Bettson, Joan (widow)
- Bettson, Joane (widow)
- Bettson, Richard
- Bickerstaffe, Richard (gentleman)
- Bilderson, Ann (widow)
- Bilderson, Anne (widow)
- Bingham, John (buttonmaker)
- Birkett, George (mason)
- Blundell, Ellen (widow)
- Bog O’Shiel, Donnaghe (yeoman)
- Bogges, William (husbandman)
- Boggs, William (husbandman)
- Bowen, Margery (widow)
- Brasier, Paul (alderman)
- Breton, Arthur (innkeeper)
- Brice, Robert (husbandman)
- Brittayne, Arthur (innkeeper)
- Britton, Arther (innkeeper)
- Brooke, Archibald (clerk)
- Brooke, Archibald (son)
- Brooke, Dame Ann (widow)
- Brooke, Dame Anne (widow)
- Brookes, Gilb[er]t (tailor)
- Brown, Archibald (labourer)
- Browne, Archiball (labourer)
- Browne, Mathias
- Bryttan, Arthur (innkeeper)
- Bulsell, David (yeoman)
- Burdus, Richard (saddler)
- Burgess, Thomas (tailor)
- Burgesse, Richard
- Burgesse, Thomas (tailor)
- Burne, Nich[ol]as
- Burrowes, John (smith)
- Burrows, John (smith)
- Caning, Georg (esquire)
- Caning, George (esquire)
- Caninge, Edward (gentleman)
- Canne Magilligan, Brian
- Canne McGilligan, Brian
- Canning, George (esquire)
- Canning, Paul (gentleman)
- Canning, William (esquire)
- Canninge, Edward (gentleman)
- Canninge, George (esquire)
- Canninge, Paul (gentleman)
- Canninge, William (esquire)
- Canynge, Will[ia]m (esquire)
- Carey, ffrancis (gentleman son heir apparent)
- Carey, ffranncis (gentleman son heir apparent)
- Carey, Francis (gentleman son heir apparent)
- Carey, George (esquire recorder)
- Carey, George (esquire)
- Carter, John (tailor)
- Castell, William
- Church, Thomas (esquire the elder)
- Church, William
- Church, William (gentleman)
- Churche, Thomas (esquire the elder)
- Churche, William (gentleman)
- Clarke, Shirlay
- Clemens, William (gentleman)
- Clinton, Robert (yeoman)
- Clotworthy, Sir John (knight)
- Coates, Henry (esquire)
- Collins, Richard (clerk)
- Collins, Roger (mariner)
- Conway, Henry (esquire)
- Cooke, Richard (cowper)
- Cooke, Thomasin (widow)
- Cosins, Edmund (gentleman)
- Costerdine, Edward
- Cottesmoore, John (vintner)
- Cottesmore, John (vintner)
- Cottington, ffrancis (chancellor of the exchequer)
- Cowper, William (husbandman)
- Co[...], S[i]r ffranncis (knight)
- Craiford, Thomas
- Craig, And[re]w (husbandman)
- Craige, Andrew (husbandman)
- Crowe, Marie (widow)
- Cullimore, George (chandler)
- Curtys, Katherine (widow)
- Darlington, Thomas (yeoman)
- Darwin, Samuell (carpenter)
- Davies, Leonard
- de Lapp, John (fisherman)
- Dixon, John (yeoman)
- Doke, John (ship carpenter)
- Doweinge, George (gentleman)
- Downeinge, George (gentleman)
- Downes, Will[ia]m (gentleman)
- Downing, George (gentleman)
- Downing, Walter (gentleman)
- Downinge, George (gentleman)
- Downs, William (gentleman)
- Drakeford, Richard (gentleman)
- Dramson, Christopher
- Dransfeild, John (gentleman)
- Dransfield, John (gentleman)
- Drayton, Richard (wheelwright)
- Dreyton, Richard (wheelwright)
- Elliott, George (husbandman)
- Elliott, Robert (gentleman)
- Elliott, William
- Elvin, John
- English, Ninian
- Englishe, Ninian
- Englishe, Nynian
- Ennis, Katherine (widow)
- Evans, Joane (widow)
- Ewing, John (gentleman)
- Ewinge, John (gentleman)
- Fartick, William (sailor)
- ffarrall, Patrick
- ffartick, William (sailor)
- ffarticke, William (mariner)
- ffarticke, William (sailor)
- ffinch, Henry (alderman)
- ffinch, Hewett (merchant)
- ffinch, huit (merchant)
- ffinch, John
- ffinche, Anthony (merchant)
- ffinche, Henry (alderman)
- ffinche, Hewett (merchant)
- ffinche, Huit (merchant)
- ffixter, William
- ffleetwood, Silvester
- ffleming, John (yeoman)
- ffleminge, John (yeoman)
- fflynt, Joane (widow)
- fflynt, Richard (yeoman)
- ffoster, Margaret (widow)
- ffoster, Margarett (widow)
- ffoster, Will[ia]m (yeoman)
- ffourchier, Richard
- ffowchler, Katherine
- ffreeman, Christofer (gentleman)
- ffreeman, Christopher (gentleman)
- ffreeman, Richard (gentleman)
- ffrewin, John
- Finch, Anthony (merchant)
- Finch, Henry (alderman)
- Finch, Hewett (merchant)
- Flint, Joan (widow)
- Flynt, Joane (widow)
- flynt, Richard (yeoman)
- Foster, Margaret (widow)
- Foster, William (yeoman)
- Freeman, Richard (gentleman)
- Gardiner, Samuell (tanner)
- Gardiner, William (tanner the elder)
- Gardiner, William (tanner)
- Gardner, Richard
- Gardner, William (tanner)
- Gardner, Will[iam]
- Gifford, Christofer
- Gifford, Christopher
- Gifford, Christopher (mercer)
- Gilduff oge o Mullan, Shane
- Gilduff Oge O’Mullan, Shane
- Gill, Nich[ol]as
- Gill, Thomas
- Gillard, John (butcher)
- Gillduff oge O’Mullan, Shane
- Goad, Anne (widow)
- Goade, Anne (widow)
- Godfrey, William
- Godfrey, William (alderman)
- Goodman, Margery (widow)
- Goodman, William (carpenter)
- Goodwin, Nathaniel
- Goodwin, Rob[ert] (esquire chamberlain)
- Goodwyn, Nathaniel
- Goodwyn, Richard (yeoman)
- Goodwyn, Robert (esquire chamberlain)
- Griffin, Richard (gentleman)
- Hamilton, Andrew (cowper)
- Hamilton, Mary (widow)
- Hamilton, Walter
- Hammond, William (clerk)
- Hammonde, William (clerk)
- Hamond, Elizabeth
- Hanford, John (victualler)
- Harding, William (wine cowper)
- Harfleet, William
- Harfleete, William
- Harington, Robert (gentleman)
- Harpur, Hannibal (shoemaker)
- Harpur, Hanniball (shoemaker)
- Harrington, Robert (gentleman)
- Harrington, Thomas (esquire)
- Harris, Thomas (yeoman)
- Harrison, John
- Hart, ffrannces (widow)
- Hart, Frances (widow)
- Haward, ffrancis (gentleman)
- Haward, ffranncis (gentleman)
- Haward, Francis (gentleman)
- Hawkes, John (smith the elder)
- Heath, William
- Heatley, Gabriel (gentleman)
- Heatley, Gabriell (gentleman)
- Heatly, Gabriel (gentleman)
- Heatly, Gabriell (gentleman)
- Higgons, James (gentleman)
- Hilhouse, Abraham (gentleman)
- Hill, Edward (gentleman)
- Hill, ffrannces (widow)
- Hill, Frances (widow)
- Hillhouse, Abraham (gentleman)
- Hillman, Simon (esquire)
- Hillman, Symon (esquire)
- Hillman, Thomas
- Hodgeskinson, John
- Hodgkinson, John
- houselocke, Nathaniell (gentleman)
- Houslock, Nathaniel (gentleman)
- Houslock, Nathaniell (gentleman)
- Howden, John (ship carpenter)
- Huggins, Anthony (husbandman)
- Hutchins, William
- Ince, Thomas (merchant)
- Ingg, John (yeoman)
- Ingge, John (yeoman)
- Jackeson, William
- Jackson, Richard (carpenter)
- Jackson, Richard (gentleman)
- Jackson, William
- Jollison, John
- Jones, Richard
- Juxon, William (bishop of London)
- Kennadie, John (husbandman)
- Kile, Robert (cowper)
- Killey, Martha (widow)
- Kind, John (fellmonger)
- Kinde, John (fellmonger)
- King, Thomas (yeoman)
- Kinge, Thomas
- Kinge, Thomas (yeoman)
- Kirby, Richard (gentleman)
- Kirbye, Richard (gentleman)
- Kirk, Ann (widow)
- Kirke, Ann (widow)
- Kirke, Radcliffe (baker)
- Kirke, Ratcliffe (baker)
- kirke, Ratlif (baker)
- Knight, Richard (slater)
- Knight, William (husbandman)
- Kyle, William (yeoman)
- Lane, Nicholas (gentleman)
- Langdale, Richard (labourer)
- Larggs, Gabriell
- Latham, William (esquire)
- Laughton, Sirache (weaver)
- Lee, Richard (yeoman)
- Lewin, Ambrose (gentleman)
- Lewis, John (gentleman)
- Lidderdaile, James (esquire)
- Lidderdaill, Ja[mes] (esquire)
- Liderdaile, James (esquire)
- Liderdaill, James (esquire)
- Lindman, James
- Longe, Jone (widow)
- Loughrige, John (husbandman)
- Luxton, Mary (widow)
- Lymhon, David
- Mac Qui Vally O Cahan, Manus (gentleman)
- Machet, Mich[ae]l (clerk)
- Machett, Hester (widow)
- Machett, Meredithe (gentleman)
- Machett, Michael (clerk)
- Machett, Michaell (clerk)
- Machett, Michaell (deceased)
- MacLeland, Michaell (gentleman)
- Magilligan, Brian
- Magilligan, Brian (gentleman the elder)
- Magilligan, Brian (gentleman)
- Magilligan, Brian (the elder)
- Magilligan, Bryan (gentleman the elder)
- Maior, Ann (widow)
- Marshall, Edward (tailor)
- Mash, Betterise (widow)
- Mason, Anthony (glazier)
- Matchett, Hester (widow)
- Matchett, Meredith (gentleman)
- mc Alestur, Patrick (yeoman)
- mc Allester, Patrick (yeoman)
- mc Allestur, Patricke (yeoman)
- mc Brian Bowey, Rory (gentleman)
- mc Inche, Jennett (widow)
- mc Inche, William
- Mc Kilreagh, Manus (gentleman deceased)
- mc Leland, Margaret (widow)
- mc Leland, Margarett (widow)
- Mc Leland, Michaell (gentleman)
- mc Leland, William (deceased)
- Mc Leland, William (esquire)
- mc Leland, William (gentleman)
- mc Manus O Cahan, Richard (gentleman)
- mc Nely, Gilbert (yeoman)
- mc Nimmee, Farrell (gentleman)
- Mc Nimmee, ffarrell (gentleman)
- Mc Oray, John (esquire deceased)
- Mc Owen Mc Shane Murray O'Mullan, Tomlin
- Mc Owen Mc Shane Murray, Tomlin
- Mc Owen O Cahan, Brian (gentleman)
- Mc Qui Ballaghe McRichard O’Cahan, Manus
- mc Qui Valey O’Cahan, Manus (gentleman)
- Mc Qui valley O Cahan, Manus (gentleman)
- mc Qui Vally O Cahan, Manus (gentleman)
- mc Roberts, John (sailor)
- mc Roberts, John (tailor)
- mc Willy, James
- McClelland, Margaret (widow)
- McClelland, Margarett (widow)
- McClelland, William (esquire)
- McClelland, William (gentleman)
- McInch, Jennett (widow)
- McLeland, Margarett (widow)
- McLeland, Michaell (gentleman)
- McLeland, William (esquire)
- McLeland, William (gentleman)
- McLelland, William (gentleman)
- Mclellane, W[illia]m (esquire)
- McNely, Gilbert (yeoman)
- McOray, Henry (son heir)
- McQui valley O Cahan, Manus (gentleman deceased)
- McQuiballagh Mc Richard O Cahan, Manus
- McRoberts, John (sailor)
- McRoberts, John (tailor)
- mc[...]on, Patrick
- Meargie, Donatus (gentleman)
- Mearginus, Magonus (gentleman)
- Michell, Ann (widow)
- Michell, John (shoemaker)
- Miller, James
- Miller, Thomas (miller)
- Monntgomery, Margaret (widow)
- Monntgomery, Margarett (widow)
- Montgomery, Margaret (widow)
- Montgomery, Margarett (widow)
- Morrice, Richard
- Morrison, Robert (sailor)
- Mutter, Richard
- Newgent, Richard (gentleman)
- Newton, Margaret (widow)
- Nichollson, Edward (chandler)
- Nicholson, Edward (chandler)
- Nobbes, ffrancis (shoemaker)
- Nobbes, Francis (shoemaker)
- Nugent, Richard (gentleman)
- O Cahan, Brian (gentleman)
- O Cahan, Captaine Manus (esquire deceased)
- O Cahan, Dame Honora (widow)
- O Cahan, Daniell (gentleman)
- O Cahan, Eviney (gentleman)
- O Cahan, Honora (widow)
- O Cahan, Manus (esquire deceased)
- O Cahan, Qui (gentleman)
- O Cahan, Richard (gentleman)
- O Cahan, Shan (gentleman son heir)
- O Cahan, Shane (gentleman son heir)
- O Cahane, Brian (gentleman)
- O Donachie, Henry (yeoman)
- O donahie, Henry (yeoman)
- O Donnelly, Patricke
- O Haggan, Patrick
- O Haggan, Patricke
- O Mullan, Donnachie
- O Mullan, Mary (widow)
- O Mullan, Seeve (widow)
- O Mullan, Seva (widow)
- O Mullan, Tomlin (son)
- O Murray, Brian (cook)
- O Neale, Patrick
- O Quigg, Donnell (yeoman)
- O Quin, Thurlow (yeoman)
- Oge o Cahan, Brian (gentleman)
- Oge O Mergie, Manus (gentleman)
- oge O Mergy, Donnaghie (gentleman)
- Oge O Mullan, Gillduffe (gentleman)
- Oge O Neale, Brian (gentleman)
- oge O’Cahan, Briane (gentleman)
- Ohalae, William
- Osbourne, Henrie (alderman)
- Otterson, William (son)
- O’Cahan, Brian (gentleman)
- O’Cahan, Captayne Manus (esquire deceased)
- O’Cahan, Dame Honora (widow)
- O’Cahan, Shane (gentleman son heir)
- O’Halley, William
- O’Mullan, Mary (widow)
- O’Mullan, Tomlin
- O’Neale, Patrick
- O’Quigg, Donal (yeoman)
- O’Shiel, Hugh (yeoman)
- O’Shiel, Sherry (yeoman)
- Pacey, Richard (baker)
- Parmiter, John (gentleman)
- Parmitor, John (gentleman)
- Parrat, William (alderman)
- Parrham, Richard
- Parrott, William (alderman)
- Parrottarrott, William (alderman)
- Pateshall, Grevill (gentleman)
- Pateshall, William (gentleman)
- Patrick, John (yeoman)
- Patrick, Robert (mercer)
- Patricke, Robert (mercer)
- Patsall, William (linenweaver)
- Patshall, William (gentleman alderman)
- Patshall, William (gentleman)
- Patshall, William (linenweaver)
- Pattesall, William (linenweaver)
- Patteshall, Grevill (gentleman)
- Patteshall, William
- Patteshall, William (alderman)
- Patteshall, William (gentleman alderman)
- Patteshall, William (gentleman)
- Pattsall, William (linenweaver)
- Pattshall, William (alderman)
- Pattshall, W[illia]m (gentleman alderman)
- Phillipes, Raphe (mason)
- Phillips, Dudley (esquire)
- Phillips, Dudly (esquire)
- Phillips, Ralph (mason)
- Phillips, Raph (mason)
- Phillips, Raphe (mason)
- Pip[er], James (husbandman)
- Pitts, Simon (alderman)
- Pitts, Symon (alderman)
- Pitts, Thomas
- Pott, William (yeoman)
- Preston, Brian (husbandman)
- Pridgeon, John
- Pridgeon, John (tailor)
- Rapheson, William (tanner)
- Richardson, Simon (gentleman)
- Richardson, Symon (gentleman)
- Richart, Patrick (merchant)
- Richemond, Michaell (wheelwright)
- Richmond, Michael (wheelwright)
- Richmond, Michaell (wheelwright)
- Roades, Will[ia]m (labourer)
- Roads, William (labourer)
- Robinson, John
- Robinson, Nich[ol]as (yeoman)
- Robinson, Richard
- Robinson, Thomas
- Roe, Dame Margery (widow)
- Roe, Margery (widow)
- Rosse, Laughlin (yeoman)
- Row, Dame Margery (widow)
- Rowelly, W[illia]m (gentleman)
- Rowley, Edward (esquire)
- Rowley, William (gentleman)
- Ro[w], Margery (widow)
- Ruddall, Archibald
- Sadler, Richard
- Sansum, William (smith)
- Sempille, Robert
- Shaw, William
- Shawe, William
- Sherrin, Owen
- Sidney, William
- Simpson, William (gentleman)
- Skammon, Richard
- Skamon, Richard
- Skinner, Thomas (glover)
- Skipton, Thomas (gentleman)
- Smith, Isaack
- Smith, Isaacke
- Smith, John
- Smith, John (husbandman)
- Smith, John (tailor)
- Smith, Richard (carpenter)
- Smith, Robert
- Smith, Thomas (tanner)
- Smith, Toby (mercer)
- Smithe, John (tailor)
- Smithe, Tobie (mercer)
- Smithe, Toby (mercer)
- Southery, William (surgeon)
- Stansby, Christopher (yeoman)
- Staples, Baptist
- Staples, Baptiste
- Staples, Sir Thomas (knight baronet)
- Staples, Tho[mas] (knight baronet)
- Staynesby, Christopher (yeoman)
- Stephenson, Robert (innkeeper)
- Stevenson, Robert (innkeeper)
- Stewart, Archibald
- Stocks, Richard
- Stotesbury, William (gentleman)
- Sutton, Mary (widow)
- Sydney, Will[iam]
- Taylor, William
- Thomson, Elizabeth (widow)
- Thomson, Mathew (tailor)
- Thomson, Matthew (tailor)
- Thomson, William (sailor)
- Thorneton, Rob[er]t (esquire alderman)
- Thornton, Robert (esquire alderman)
- Thursby, William (gentleman)
- Tingell, Richard (yeoman)
- Tingle, Richard (yeoman)
- Tomkins, Alexander
- Tomkins, Alexander (yeoman)
- Tuckey, William (saddler)
- Vale, Elizabeth (widow)
- Vaugham, S[i]r John (knight privy counsellor)
- Vaughan, Henry (esquire)
- Vaughan, John (knight privy counsellor)
- Vaughan, Sir John (knight privy counsellor)
- Vincent, William
- Vincent, Willyam
- Walker, Christofer (glazier)
- walker, Christopher (glazier)
- Wallmisley, James (gentleman)
- Walter, Richard (mercer)
- walter, Wiilliam (barber surgeon)
- Walter, William (barber surgeon)
- Waring, Robert (gentleman)
- Waringe, Robert (gentleman)
- Warren, Edward (junior)
- Watkin, Thomas (husbandman)
- Watsson, William
- Watts, Stafford (vintner)
- Webb, Richard
- Webb, Richard (innkeeper)
- Webbe, Richard
- West, Richard
- Westen, Richard (gentleman)
- Whetstone, William (deceased)
- Whistler, Raphe (esquire)
- White, John (pewterer)
- White, John (yeoman)
- Whitehead, John (husbandman)
- Whiteheade, John (husbandman)
- Whitfeld, Robert (esquire)
- Whitter, Richard
- Wicherley, John
- Wiley, John (baker)
- Wilie, Alexander (husbandman)
- Wilkes, William (gentleman)
- Wilkinson, John (feltmaker)
- William, Charles
- Williamson, Ralph
- Williamson, Raphe
- Willson, David
- Willson, John
- Willson, William
- Wilson, David
- Wilson, James (butcher)
- Wilson, James (peddler)
- Wilson, William
- Wilton, Robert
- Wilye, Alexander (husbandman)
- Windebancke, S[i]r ffrancis (knight secretary of state)
- Windsor, Thomas (esquire)
- Windsore, Thomas (esquire)
- Wittie, John
- Wittie, William (husbandman)
- Witty, George (yeoman)
- Witty, John
- Witty, William (husbandman)
- Woleridge, Thomas (slater)
- Woleridge, Walter
- Wollridge, Tho[mas] (slater)
- Wolridge, Walter
- Wooleridge, Thomas (slater)
- Wray, francis (daughter)
- Wray, George (esquire)
- Wray, William (merchant)
- Wright, Ann
- Wright, William (yeoman)