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You can search here for people, places or livery companies mentioned in the Great Parchment Book. Choose the initial letter of the name (surname when searching for people), within the People, Places or Companies tabs below to see a list of names. Click on a name to be taken to a list of folio(s) containing that name. Click on an individual folio to be taken to the image and transcription. For details of conventions used in the transcription of names please see the Transcription Methodology and Conventions section of this site.
- Ballagh Mac Richard O Cahan, Qui (deceased)
- ballagh McRichard O’Cahan, Qui (deceased)
- Beresford, Michael (esquire)
- Beresford, Michaell (esquire)
- Beresford, Tristram (esquire the elder)
- Beresford, Tristram (esquire the younger)
- Beresford, Tristram (esquire)
- Berisford, Michaell (esquire)
- Berisford, Tristram (esquire the elder)
- Berisford, Tristram (esquire the younger)
- Berisford, Tristram (esquire)
- Berrisford, Michaell (esquire)
- Berrisford, Tristram (esquire the younger)
- Caning, Georg (esquire)
- Caning, George (esquire)
- Canning, George (esquire)
- Canning, William (esquire)
- Canninge, George (esquire)
- Canninge, William (esquire)
- Canynge, Will[ia]m (esquire)
- Carey, George (esquire recorder)
- Carey, George (esquire)
- Church, Thomas (esquire the elder)
- Churche, Thomas (esquire the elder)
- Coates, Henry (esquire)
- Conway, Henry (esquire)
- Cottington, ffrancis (chancellor of the exchequer)
- Goodwin, Rob[ert] (esquire chamberlain)
- Goodwyn, Robert (esquire chamberlain)
- Harrington, Thomas (esquire)
- Hillman, Simon (esquire)
- Hillman, Symon (esquire)
- Latham, William (esquire)
- Lidderdaile, James (esquire)
- Lidderdaill, Ja[mes] (esquire)
- Liderdaile, James (esquire)
- Liderdaill, James (esquire)
- Mac Qui Vally O Cahan, Manus (gentleman)
- Mc Leland, William (esquire)
- Mc Oray, John (esquire deceased)
- Mc Qui Ballaghe McRichard O’Cahan, Manus
- mc Qui Valey O’Cahan, Manus (gentleman)
- Mc Qui valley O Cahan, Manus (gentleman)
- mc Qui Vally O Cahan, Manus (gentleman)
- McClelland, William (esquire)
- McLeland, William (esquire)
- Mclellane, W[illia]m (esquire)
- McQui valley O Cahan, Manus (gentleman deceased)
- McQuiballagh Mc Richard O Cahan, Manus
- O Cahan, Captaine Manus (esquire deceased)
- O Cahan, Manus (esquire deceased)
- O Cahan, Qui (gentleman)
- O Quigg, Donnell (yeoman)
- O Quin, Thurlow (yeoman)
- O Quyn, Turloghe (yeoman)
- O Quyn, Turlough (yeoman)
- O’Cahan, Captayne Manus (esquire deceased)
- O’Quigg, Donal (yeoman)
- Phillips, Dudley (esquire)
- Phillips, Dudly (esquire)
- Rowley, Edward (esquire)
- Thorneton, Rob[er]t (esquire alderman)
- Thornton, Robert (esquire alderman)
- Vaughan, Henry (esquire)
- Whistler, Raphe (esquire)
- Whitfeld, Robert (esquire)
- Windsor, Thomas (esquire)
- Windsore, Thomas (esquire)
- Wray, George (esquire)