Grocers’ Proportion
Folio D6v (change)
Com[m]iss ioners and Robert Downs beforenamed are contained. In witness whereof the said Com[m]issioners and the said Stephen Heard have put to their hands the day and yeare abovewritten:
Ralph Whitfeld Thomas Fotherley 1639 Stephen Heard
The said fowerth day of Sep tember the said commissioners for and on his Majesty’s behalf by virtue of the said commission and Donnachie O Mullan [...] of Cumber in the late county of Londonderry [...] do conclude and agree that the said Donnaghy and his assignes shall have and hold all that townland commonly called or knowne by the name of Br[...] with th[e] appurten[an]c[e]s in [...] or by whatsoever other name or names the same be called or knowne conteining by estimation [...] acres Irishe measure and all cabins edifices and buildings thereup[p]on and also all ways and passages to the p[re]misses or anie p[ar]t thereof belonginge or formerly enioyed therewith with and under such and the like excepc[i]ons and for the terme of one and twenty yeares from the feast of Phillip and Jacob now last past for and under the yearly rent of Tenn pounds sterlinge payable in such manner and att such daies and tymes and with under and upon such and the like condic[i]on cov enants and agreem[en]ts as in the aforesaid agreement made by the said commissioners and Salomon Mc Crenor beforenamed are conteyned save onely that the said D onnachie is not by this agreement to build an house as the said Salomon by his agreement is to In witnes whereof the said Com[m]ission[e]rs and the said Donnahie have putt to their hands the day and yeare abovewritten:
Raphe Whitfeld Thomas ffotherley 1639 The m[ar]ke of Donnachie O Mullan
x li T hree closes T hree trees
Robert Harrington
The tenthe day of S eptember in the fifteenth yeare of his Majesty’s reigne Annoq[ue] D[omi]ni 1639 the aforesaid S[i]r Raphe Whitfeld and Thomas ffotherley his Majesty’s Com[m]issioners for and on his ma[ies]t[ie]s behalfe by vertue of the said commission and Robert Harrington of ffaughenvale in the late county of Londonderry gent[leman] doe conclude and agree that his ma[ies]tie will be gratiously pleased to erect and create a Court Leete w[hi]ch shall extend and have Iurisdic[i]on over all the residents and inhabit ants within [th]e late mannor of Grocers or Proportion of land called the Grocers Proporc[i]on in the late county of Londonderry to be houlden within the same Proporc[i]on twice every yeare as Leetes are or ought to be holden in England And that the said Robert [and] his assignes or such as he shall nomi nate [...] shall have and hold the said court leet and all the ffines issues amerciaments and Profitts thereof And also all that [...] Castle [...] capital M essuage or M anor house with th[e] app[ur]tenances called Grocers Mannor or by whatsoever other name or names t he same be called or knowne and all barns stables outhouses buildings orchards and gardens now in the occupac[i]on [...] said Robert and to the said Castle C apitall M essuage or Mannor house bel onging or appertaining and all those Townelands called or known by the s everal name or names of [...] the two [...]gan T[...] Terr [...] lly C[...] Meadowne the T[...] the said appurtenances in ffaughenvale [...] and Clandermott in the said late county and conteining by estimac[i]on two thousand three hundred and three score acres Irishe measure and allsoe two waterwaies uppon the foresaid p[re]misses and all waterlays streames and watercourses thereunto belonging or app[er]teining and all houses edifices and Buildings uppon the foresaid p[re]misses and allsoe the fferry or passage with boates over the River of ffawne att or neere the fford there and allsoe all waifes and estraies happening within the said late Mannor or Proporc[i]on Excepting and allwaies reserving to his ma[ies]tie his heires and successors all Donac[i]ons p[re]sentac[i]on and gifts of Advowsons churches vicarages and Chappells timber timber trees storiers saplings and great trees mynes and quarries in upon belonging or appendant to the p[re]misses or anie p[ar]t thereof and all such reasonable wayes and passages over the p[re]misses for the ten[a]nts and occupiers of his ma[ies]t[ie]s other lands as have
commissioners and Robert Downs beforenamed are contained. In witness whereof the said commissioners and the said Stephen Heard have put to their hands the day and year abovewritten:
Ralph Whitfeld Thomas Fotherley 1639 Stephen Heard
The said fourth day of September, the said commissioners for and on his Majesty’s behalf by virtue of the said commission, and Donnachie O’Mullan […] of Cumber in the late county of Londonderry, […], do conclude and agree that the said Donnachie and his assigns shall have and hold all that townland commonly called or known by the name of Br[…], with the appurtenances, in […], or by whatsoever other name or names the same be called or known, containing by estimation […] acres Irish measure, and all cabins, edifices, and buildings thereupon, and also all ways and passages to the premises or any part thereof belonging or formerly enjoyed therewith, with and under such and the like exceptions, and for the term of one and twenty years from the feast of Phillip and Jacob now last past, for and under the yearly rent of ten pounds sterling payable in such manner and at such days and times and with, under, and upon such and the like condition, covenants, and agreements as in the aforesaid agreement made by the said commissioners and Solomon McCrenor beforenamed are contained, save only that the said Donnachie is not by this agreement to build an house as the said Solomon by his agreement is to. In witness whereof the said commissioners and the said Donnachie have put to their hands the day and year abovewritten:
Ralph Whitfeld Thomas Fotherley 1639 The mark of Donnachie O’Mullan
x pounds three closes three trees
Robert Harrington
The tenth day of September in the fifteenth year of his Majesty’s reign, annoque domini 1639, the aforesaid Sir Ralph Whitfeld and Thomas Fotherley, his Majesty’s commissioners for and on his Majesty’s behalf by virtue of the said commission, and Robert Harrington of Faughanvale in the late county of Londonderry, gentleman, do conclude and agree that his Majesty will be graciously pleased to erect and create a court leet which shall extend and have jurisdiction over all the residents and inhabitants within the late manor of Grocers or Proportion of land called the Grocers’ Proportion in the late county of Londonderry, to be holden within the same Proportion twice every year as leets are or ought to be holden in England. And that the said Robert and his assigns, or such as he shall nominate […], shall have and hold the said court leet and all the fines, issues, amerciaments, and profits thereof. And also all that […] castle […], capital messuage, or manor house, with the appurtenances called Grocers’ Manor or by whatsoever other name or names the same be called or known, and all barns, stables, outhouses, buildings, orchards, and gardens, now in the occupation […] said Robert, and to the said castle, capital messuage, or manor house belonging or appertaining, and all those townlands called or known by the several name or names of […] the two […]gan T[…] Terr […] lly C[…] Maydown the T[…] the said appurtenances in Faughanvale, […], and Clondermot in the said late county, and containing by estimation two thousand three hundred and three-score acres Irish measure, and also two waterways upon the foresaid premises and all waterlays, streams, and watercourses thereunto belonging or appertaining, and all houses, edifices, and buildings upon the foresaid premises, and also the ferry or passage with boats over the River of Faughan at or near the ford there, and also all waifs and strays happening within the said late manor or Proportion. Excepting and always reserving to his Majesty, his heirs and successors all donations, presentation and gifts of advowsons, churches, vicarages, and chapels, timber, timber trees, storiers, saplings and great trees, mines, and quarries in, upon, belonging, or appendant to the premises or any part thereof, and all such reasonable ways and passages over the premises for the tenants and occupiers of his Majesty’s other lands as have