Ironmongers’ Proportion
Folio L7r (change)
over and upon the passage and f erry aforesaid all such fares rewards sums of money profits and commodities as usually heretofore have binn r eceived had and taken for such ferrying transporting and carrying and that the said George and his assigns shall have hold and keep one weekly market to be holden at the towne of Garvanghy in the said late county upon every [...]day [...] yearly [...] fairs to be houlden att the said towne of Garvanghy and if at any time it shall happen the said ffifteenthe day of July to fall or be upon a Sunday that then the said faire shal[l] be kept and houlden att the said Towne the [...] then next following. And allsoe one other yearly ffaire to be houlden at the said town of Garvagh uppon St Lukes day yearly and if att anie time it s hall happen the said St Luke’s day to fall or be uppon a sunday that then the said ffaire shall be kept and houlden att the said town of Garvagh on the munday then next following and severall Courts of piepowder in the said markets and faires respectively during the contin uation of them and every of them and receive [and] take all and singular tolles perquisitts p[ro]fitts commodities emoluments lib[er]ties freedomes customes jurisdictions and preheminences whatsoever to the said fairs markets and courts whatsoever every or any of them belonging or respectively apperteining Excepting and reserving unto his Majesty his heirs and successors all donac[i]ons p[re]sentac[i]ons and guifts of advowsons Ch urches Vicc arages and chappells timber timber trees storiers saplings and great trees mines and quarryes in uppon or belonging or appendant to the p remises or any p art thereof and all such reasonable waies and passages over the premisses for the ten[a]nts and occupiers of his Majesty’s other lands as have formerly binn used and [...] except the great boggs of [...] except [...] with [...] other rivers creekes and streames in or neere the premises and the soil and ground thereof and all the fishings and takeing of salmon eels and other fish in the said rivers creeks and streams and fishings with free liberty for his ma[ies]tie his heires and successors and his and their tenants and the farmers and fishers of the said Rivers creekes and streames to make houses draw their nets and do any other thing else whatsoever uppon the premises concerning the said fishings [...] foresaid p[re]misses [...] for the terme of one and and twenty yeares from the ffeast of Phillip and Jacob now last past for and under the yearly rent of one hundred ffiftie and three pounds sterling paiable to the Receipt of his Majesty’s Exchequer in England or unto the hands of the Receiver of his ma[ies]tie his heires and successors for the time being for the Reven[n]ue of Londonderry als[o] Derry and Colerane or either of them at the feasts of all Saints and Phillip and Jacob yearly by equall porc[i]ons uppon condic[i]on that the said terme shall cease and be void if the said rent or any part thereof shal l be behind and unpaid ffiftie daies after anie of the said feasts or days of payment aforesaid and that the said George and his assignes shall within seaven years now next comeing erect and build and fully finishe uppon the p[re]misses Tenn sufficient and substantial houses after the manner of Englishe houses of stone timber or bricke everie of the said houses to be two stories highe and to containe fower roomes att the least And the said G eorgeor some other able and sufficient t enant fitt for habitac[i]on in the said Castle or Capitall messuage with his family shall from time to time during the said terme of one and twenty yeares be resident and inhabitant in and uppon the aforesaid Castle or Capitall messuage and twentie other able and suf ficient Brittyshe Scots or Irishe conformable to the orders and discipline of the Church of England with their families shall from time to time during the said terme be resident and inhabitant uppon t he aforesaid p[re]misses and that all the said ten[a]nts and inhabitants shall grind at his ma[ies]t[ie]s mill within the said late Ma nor or Proportion of land all his and their mault corne and grain w[hi]ch he or they shall expend or use uppon the p[re]misses or being ground shall sell to anie p erson or p[er]sons and pay for grinding thereof to the miller of the said mill for the time being the sixteenth part of the said mault corn and graine and shall twice every yeare of the said terme keepe the said court leet and cause the matters and p[ro]ceedings of the said Court yearly to be fairly written and ingrossed in a book and att the end of the said terme deliver upp the said booke to the use of his ma[ies]tie his heires and successors and keepe and mainteine the aforesaid Castle Capitall Messuage or Mannor house [and] allsoe the C[...] Ahgive and all other the foresaid houses mills edifices and buildings in good and sufficient reparac[i]ons during the aforesaid terme and shall within tenn yeares now next coming with dike and double quicksett where quicksett will grow and with other good and sufficient f ences and enclosures where quicksett will not grow make sever and devide the foresaid premises into fourty closes more then the same now are and the same being soe made severed and devided and all other the hedges ditches and enclosures upon or belonging to the foresaid premises shall
Cliii li. Tenn H ouses
over and upon the passage and ferry aforesaid all such fares, rewards, sums of money, profits, and commodities as usually heretofore have been received, had, and taken for such ferrying, transporting, and carrying, and that the said George and his assigns shall have, hold, and keep one weekly market to be holden at the town of Garvagh in the said late county upon every […]day […] yearly […] fairs to be holden at the said town of Garvagh, and if at any time it shall happen the said fifteenth day of July to fall or be upon a Sunday that then the said fair shall be kept and holden at the said town the […] then next following. And also one other yearly fair to be holden at the said town of Garvagh upon St Luke’s day yearly, and if at any time it shall happen the said St Luke’s day to fall or be upon a Sunday that then the said fair shall be kept and holden at the said town of Garvagh on the Monday then next following, and several courts of piepowder in the said markets and fairs respectively during the continuation of them and every of them, and receive and take all and singular tolls, perquisites, profits, commodities, emoluments, liberties, freedoms, customs, jurisdictions, and preheminences whatsoever to the said fairs markets and courts whatsoever, every or any of them belonging or respectively appertaining. Excepting and reserving unto his Majesty, his heirs and successors all donations, presentations, and gifts of advowsons, churches, vicarages, and chapels, timber, timber trees, storiers, saplings and great trees, mines and quarries in, upon, or belonging or appendant to the premises or any part thereof, and all such reasonable ways and passages over the premises for the tenants and occupiers of his Majesty’s other lands as have formerly been used, and […] except the great bogs of […] except […] with […] other rivers creeks and streams in or near the premises and the soil and ground thereof, and all the fishings and taking of salmon, eels, and other fish in the said rivers, creeks, and streams and fishings, with free liberty for his Majesty, his heirs and successors and his and their tenants and the farmers and fishers of the said rivers, creeks, and streams to make houses, draw their nets, and do any other thing else whatsoever upon the premises concerning the said fishings […] foresaid premises […] for the term of one and and twenty years from the feast of Phillip and Jacob now last past, for and under the yearly rent of one hundred fifty and three pounds sterling payable to the receipt of his Majesty’s Exchequer in England, or unto the hands of the Receiver of his Majesty, his heirs and successors for the time being for the revenue of Londonderry, also Derry, and Coleraine or either of them at the feasts of all Saints and Phillip and Jacob yearly by equal portions, upon condition that the said term shall cease and be void if the said rent or any part thereof shall be behind and unpaid fifty days after any of the said feasts or days of payment aforesaid, and that the said George and his assigns shall, within seven years now next coming, erect and build and fully finish upon the premises ten sufficient and substantial houses after the manner of English houses, of stone, timber, or brick, every of the said houses to be two stories high and to contain four rooms at the least. And the said George or some other able and sufficient tenant fit for habitation in the said castle or capital messuage with his family shall, from time to time during the said term of one and twenty years, be resident and inhabitant in and upon the aforesaid castle or capital messuage, and twenty other able and sufficient British, Scots, or Irish conformable to the orders and discipline of the Church of England with their families shall, from time to time during the said term, be resident and inhabitant upon the aforesaid premises, and that all the said tenants and inhabitants shall grind at his Majesty’s mill within the said late manor or Proportion of land all his and their malt, corn, and grain which he or they shall expend or use upon the premises or being ground shall sell to any person or persons and pay for grinding thereof to the miller of the said mill, for the time being the sixteenth part of the said malt, corn, and grain, and shall twice every year of the said term keep the said court leet and cause the matters and proceedings of the said court yearly to be fairly written and engrossed in a book, and at the end of the said term deliver up the said book to the use of his Majesty, his heirs and successors and keep and maintain the aforesaid castle, capital messuage, or manor house, and also the C[…] Agivey and all other the foresaid houses, mills, edifices, and buildings in good and sufficient reparations during the aforesaid term and shall, within ten years now next coming, with dikes and double quicksett where quicksett will grow and with other good and sufficient fences and enclosures where quicksett will not grow, make, sever, and divide the foresaid premises into forty closes more then the same now are, and the same being so made, severed, and divided, and all other the hedges, ditches, and enclosures upon or belonging to the foresaid premises shall
Cliii pounds ten houses