Town of Coleraine

Folio B9v (change)

past and for and under the yearly rent of [...] payable in such man[n]er and att such days and times and with under and upon such further and the like condic[i]on coven ants and agreements as in the aforesaid agreement made by the said Commissioners and Thomas [...] the further agreem[en]t that the said [...] Goale shal[l] be soe kept and imployed [...] In witness whereof the said Commissioners and the said Humfry fforest and Thomas Darlington have put to their hands the day and yeare abovewritten:

Raphe Whitfeld Thomas ffotherley 1639 Humphrey Forest Thomas Darlington

The said Ninth day of July the said Commissio ners and [...] Humphrey fforest for and on the behalfe of himselfe and Thomas Darlington agree that the said Humfry and Thomas and the ir assigns shall have and hold hold one cottage and garden w[i]th th[e] appurten[a]nc[e]s in Coleraine aforesaid and now in the occupac[i]on of the said Thomas Darlington or his assignes for the like term and for and under the yearly rent of Sixteene shillings [...] payable in such manner and w[i]th and uppon the like condic[i]on co[venants] and agreements as in the foresaid agreem[en]t made by the sa id Commissioners and the foresaid Robert Scoles .

Ralph Whitfeld Tho[mas] ffotherley 1639 Humphrey fforest Thomas Darlington

The said ninth day of July the foresaid Commissioners for and on his Majesty’s behalfe by vertue of the said Commission and Andrew Bourne of Colerane aforesaid Brewer doe conclude and agree that the said Andrew and his assignes shall have and hold All that Cottage or tenem[en]t an d [...] thereunto belonging w[i]th th[e] appurten[a]nc[e]s in Colerane afore said and now in the tenure or occupac[i]on of the said Andrew or his assignes and for the term of one and twenty yeares from the ffeast of Phillip and Jacob now last past and for and under the yearly rent of Thirty Shillings sterling paiable in such manner and w[i]th uppon and under such further and the like agreements conven[a]nts and condic[i]on as in the foresaid agreem[en]t made by the said Commissioners [and] Robert Scoles beforenamed are conteyned In witnes whereof the said Commissioners and the said Andrew Bourne have putt to their hands the day and yeare abovewritten:

Raphe Whitfeld Tho[mas] ffotherley 1639 The ma[rk]e of Andrew Bourne

The said ninth day of July the said Commissioners and William ffarticke of Colerane aforesaid Marryner agree that the said William and his assignes shall have and hold one Cottage and garden with th[e] appurten[a]nc[e]s in Colerane aforesaid and now or late in the occupac[i]on of the said William or his assignes for like terme and under the yearly rent of Six shillings [and] eight pence payable in such ma[n]er and w[i]th and uppon the like condic[i]on coven[a]nts and agreements as in the foresaid agreem[en]t made by the said Commissioners [...]

vi s. viii. d

past, and for and under the yearly rent of […] payable in such manner and at such days and times and with, under, and upon such further and the like condition, covenants, and agreements as in the aforesaid agreement made by the said commissioners and Thomas […] the further agreement that the said […] Goale shall be so kept and employed […]. In witness whereof the said commissioners and the said Humphrey Forest and Thomas Darlington have put to their hands the day and year abovewritten:

Ralph Whitfeld Thomas Fotherley 1639 Humphrey Forest Thomas Darlington


The said ninth day of July, the said commissioners and […] Humphrey Forest, for and on the behalf of himself and Thomas Darlington, agree that the said Humphrey and Thomas and their assigns shall have and hold hold one cottage and garden with the appurtenances in Coleraine aforesaid, and now in the occupation of the said Thomas Darlington or his assigns for the like term and for and under the yearly rent of sixteen shillings […] payable in such manner and with and upon the like condition, covenants, and agreements as in the foresaid agreement made by the said commissioners and the foresaid Robert Scoles.

Ralph Whitfeld Thomas Fotherley 1639 Humphrey Forest Thomas Darlington


The said ninth day of July, the foresaid commissioners for and on his Majesty’s behalf by virtue of the said commission, and Andrew Bourne of Coleraine aforesaid, brewer, do conclude and agree that the said Andrew and his assigns shall have and hold all that cottage or tenement and […] thereunto belonging with the appurtenances in Coleraine aforesaid, and now in the tenure or occupation of the said Andrew or his assigns, and for the term of one and twenty years from the feast of Phillip and Jacob now last past, and for and under the yearly rent of thirty shillings sterling payable in such manner and with, upon, and under such further and the like agreements, convenants, and condition as in the foresaid agreement made by the said commissioners and Robert Scoles beforenamed are contained. In witness whereof the said commissioners and the said Andrew Bourne have put to their hands the day and year abovewritten:

Ralph Whitfeld Thomas Fotherley 1639 The mark of Andrew Bourne


The said ninth day of July, the said commissioners and William Fartick of Coleraine aforesaid, mariner, agree that the said William and his assigns shall have and hold one cottage and garden with the appurtenances in Coleraine aforesaid, and now or late in the occupation of the said William or his assigns, for like term, and under the yearly rent of six shillings and eight pence payable in such manner and with and upon the like condition, covenants, and agreements as in the foresaid agreement made by the said commissioners […]

vi shillings viii. pence